
Rumor: Mass Effect Andromeda Details Leak

Mako Customization is hinted and a new ship travel system will also be included. This makes senses as the new game will be focusing on finding humanity a new home.


So take it for what you will – rumours, non-facts or complete and utter lies – but it’s interesting to think about all the same, especially with the lack of information regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda. Two squad members mentioned are a human blond female and a Krogan. Thanks to the use of the Frostbite engine, cover is also said to be destructible, so movement will be even more important than previous games. The other alien races of the Mass Effect universe will be looking to do much the same, after the events of Mass Effect 3 have left the Milky Way galaxy devastated.

Unless you plan on locking creative and development teams in a cloister with monitored access to the internet tubes, leaks on major projects are essentially inevitable. And perhaps, given that it functions as a computation device in games prior, we expect to be able to commit to hacking mini-games, information gathering while exploring and more. Earlier this year a supposed leak about the game revealed new, as of yet unconfirmed, story details, and now yet another leak reveals what may be the new gameplay details Mass Effect fans have been craving. A Death Star would also be great!

Enemies in Andromeda will be described as a bipedal cross between Vorcha and Collectors.

This is all a bit confounding. We’ll have to see whether this proves to be true. There is also a human antagonist with armor similar to yours, but no N7 insignia.

Whoever this antagonist is, isn’t fully explained, but he or she will play a role in the game, thought to what extent we don’t now know.

As it stands, we’re slightly optimistic at the predictions of the leak, but we still remain skeptical at this point in time. Whether this is just on a kind of overview map like in Mass Effect 2 or you actually fly it isn’t clear.


It seems like the very first gameplay details of Mass Effect Andromeda has been leaked on Mass-Effect subreddit, and to back up the leaked details the anonymous source (anonymous) has provided a few proof to the moderator with a condition that the proof won’t be make public because there is a possibility that it will help EA and Bioware identified the source of the leak.

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