
Rumored Celebrities Selena Gomez Has Been Linked To

This past year she dropped her new album “Reviva”, which already has two chart-topping hits.


“I think people really wanted to see me fail,” Gomez says. “It was just me being a boss and controlling my own life”. “The hate motivated me”, Gomez shared. “Body Heat” is awful and needs to be destroyed, but otherwise I think Revival had a nice balance of diversity while maintaining a bit of a linear sound.

“Girls everywhere.they should have that”, she added. “I got to find myself there”.

During her first song, Good For You, there’s one tween fan that’s giving me life in the beginning.

“Of course I got my heart broken”.

“I don’t want to become little or hurt or a victim”.

Julie Bien, a writer for Vox, recently came out admitting that she also has lupus and enumerated the things people should know about those who suffer from the disease.

“We’ve seen each other”.

“If she were allowed to play [more] roles beyond just teenagers with teen interests, she would show her innate maturity and strength”, Franco said via email.

The disclosure drew an outpouring of sympathy, just as Selena was releasing her latest album Revival. Gomez said, “To be honest, it still kind of makes me a little uncomfortable to talk about”. On Monday, she reiterated the importance of sharing her personal story with the world.

Not to mention she’s totally good being on her own.

Gomez also spoke about her physique, particularly following a September radio interview where she said she received backlash after posing shirtless for the album’s cover despite the cover’s similarity to a topless photo shoot she did for V in February. “I was drawn to that I guess, and I think now more than ever I’m more comfortable and confident going into the studio and knowing what my vision is”.

Gomez collaborated with Charli XCX for the album’s second single, “Same Old Love”. But, she crafted something here that is relatable, strong and fully herself.


It’s sad that women so often hate on and compete with each other when we could be so much more powerful working together. I have been a fan of hers for a while and it’s safe to say I still am.

Selena Gomez