
Runic Games Return With Hob

Massive gears turn their teeth, shifting ancient monoliths into place. Players would look into this world and waste no time finding which typically it’s in peril. Narrative is revealed as players explore and interact with their unfamiliar surroundings and the unusual life forms that inhabit it. The third title from developer Runic Games, Hob is being developed for PC and console, featuring smooth controller gameplay, multi-layered puzzles, and striking visuals.


In an interesting twist, there’s no dialogue or text.

Callouts were made to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus as inspirations for this combo of exploration and monster-slaying, which will apparently play a bit like Zelda.

“The sense of awe and wonder”. Screenshots show our avatar – who remains nameless, with his smaller robotic companion likely being the eponymous Hob – scaling walls by clinging to vines. Where am I? What is going on? I don’t understand. You get a narrative by playing the game. Making a world that seemed alien, and playing the game explained that story.


Runic Games didn’t mention when Hob will be released. Runic doesn’t have a publisher for the game yet, but the studio will have a playable version of its baby on display at PAX Prime in Seattle at the end of this month. Stay tuned and we’ll keep you updated on the game. In the meantime check out the game’s official website for more information. If you’re looking for something like Torchlight, Path of Exile and Grim Dawn are just two options.

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