
Running mate defends Trump IS comments

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves after speaking to the National Association of Home Builders, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2016, in Miami Beach, Fla.


The Republican party is at a moral fork in the road. Never said it in the first place.

He has invited Russian spies to penetrate Clinton’s emails and joked in a way that sounded like he was inviting “Second Amendment people” (i.e., gun enthusiasts) to assassinate a president who didn’t agree with them.

Wisconsin Republicans also called on voters Thursday to get behind Trump and Pence in order to deafeat Clinton. He also insisted on a plain falsehood, that President Barack Obama “founded” the Islamic State group, multiple times. As a former USA president, Bill Clinton is entitled to a pension, valued at a little more than $200,000 a year.

When Trump describes Obama as an ISIS sympathizer or its “founder”, it’s no gaffe – it’s what Trump has been saying throughout the campaign. “I think the American people are much smarter than that”.

Then an about-face Friday.

She’s hoping to capitalize on Donald Trump’s promises to deport them.

Or was he being sarcastic about the sarcasm? “And you chose to do that instead”, Mr Manafort said on CNN.

Trump claimed sarcasm in July as well after he was heavily criticized for inviting Russian Federation to dig up tens of thousands of “missing” emails from Clinton’s time as U.S. secretary of state.

“The Republicans have not really begun to attack Hillary”, he said.

In anticipation of the candidate’s visit, the Hillary Clinton campaign held a press conference in Dayton Wednesday morning. She’s hammered him for avoiding accountability for his actions.

The Clinton campaign claimed the candidate and running mate Tim Kaine “continue to set the standard for financial transparency” by releasing their tax returns. The filing shows that the Clintons earned $10.6 million and paid a federal tax rate of 34.2 percent previous year.

Trump has cited an audit by the Internal Revenue Service in refusing to release his returns.

Trump worked to profit on the fuss over his Islamic State remark. “I know what you meant, you meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace”. The media isn’t ruining Trump’s campaign.

He said Mr Trump is continuing to raise millions of dollars while travelling to key battleground states – Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida – and remains personally “very connected” to the operations of his campaign.

Nearly never does Trump admit error. Al-Qaeda in Iraq was the successor to a different terrorist group formed in 1999.

Evangelical leaders seem to flock to Trump as well, and Garlow explains it’s because he is easier to deal with than Clinton.

“ISIS gained tremendous strength during Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State”.


Noting that his opponents had signed but not kept their word, Trump said it was a “funny thing” because the pledges were signed “so that I would sign them”.

UW-La Crosse lands another big political figure in Rep. VP nominee Mike Pence