
Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for ‘Real Black President’ Tweet

Rupert Murdoch has issued an apology, after suggesting on Twitter that Barack Obama was not a “real black president”.


Rupert Murdoch apologised on Thursday after suggesting that President Barack Obama was not a “real black president”.

The 84-year-old media mogul, who has since apologized, was trying to praise 2016 presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson and his wife.

Jones distinguished the article, which he thought was a fair appraisal of the president, from Murdoch’s statement, which he called “divide and conquer nonsense”, meant to promote Carson.

TAPPER: So let me just ask you about this, about what Murdoch had to say about a real black president.

And weeks later, he offered his opinion on the prospects of Vice President Biden entering race for the Democratic nomination.

Carson, meanwhile, stirred up controversy in August when he said a Muslim should not run for office because the religion is inconsistent with the U.S Constitution.

“Obama has long identified as black and spoken frankly about the African-American experience and the problems posed by racism in the United States”, said The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs. “Personally find both men charming”, he wrote.

Angry commenters have taken to Twitter to rip Murdoch’s racial remarks.

“Good to see Ben Carson still gaining”, Murdoch tweeted in August.

Earlier this week, University of Pennsylvania professor Anthea Butler tweeted, “If only there was a “coon of the year” award” in response to a tweet Carson made about the Confederate flag. The owner of Fox News Channel and co-executive chairman of 21st Century Fox, Murdoch’s idiosyncratic tweets signal who he likes – and who he doesn’t – within the GOP.

In September, Murdoch said Carson was maybe the one to beat and irreproachable on background, achievements, character, vision.


In the months that followed, Carson described Obamacare as “worse than slavery” a couple of times. Rupe what is a real Black person? It is, as Murdoch said, worth reading.

Rupert Murdoch has taken aim at Barack Obama