
Rupert Murdoch says sorry for anti-Obama tweet

President Obama is as black as Carson is because there is no one way to be authentically black. Participants included workers, employers, unions, organizers and other advocates and experts on how to energize a new generation of Americans to come together and recognize the potential power of their voice at work.


He followed the Carson tweet with one that said “Read New York magazine for minority community disappointment with POTUS”.

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images For SiriusXM Murdoch praised GOP contender Ben Carson (r.) and also complimented his wife, Candy Cason (l.) in a tweet Wednesday.

He did it in a tweet that was meant to praise Republican presidential contender Ben Carson. He angered Muslim-Americans last month when he said a Muslim should not be president because Islam wasn’t consistent with the constitution. Carson, has become a right-wing darling known for his contrarian views on race relations-especially as a black man, and a few, well, outlandish statements he’s made about black people ever since he threw his hat into the ring.

But if Murdoch meant to bring support to Carson’s cause, he failed. “Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible”.

Jon Karl covering the race and, Jon, this is not the first time Murdoch has stirred up controversy with his quick Twitter finger. Executive chairman of News Corp, which counts Fox News among its holdings in addition to 120 newspapers in five countries.

Murdoch has posted controversial tweets in the past.

Reaction on my Twitter feed to Murdoch’s initial musing was swift, incredulous and uniform. “We don’t comment on his tweets”, a 21st Century Fox spokeswoman said.

The backlash was quick and swift, from TV news analysts blasting Murdoch and Fox News to the ladies of “The View” going off on Murdoch on Thursday.


Here’s the problem: the left routinely labels black Republicans or conservatives – or really, anyone who departs even briefly from the Democrat consensus – faux blacks.
