
Russia opposes UN resolution for tribunal for MH17 crash

“Detailed investigations are still continuing… and they are expected to be finished by the end of 2015 at least”, he said.


It is a joint proposal by Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine.

SEPANG: The criminal investigation team now has a clearer picture on the probable cause of The Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH17 tragedy in Ukraine on July 17 past year, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. All 298 passengers and crew on board were killed.

“It should be understood that the purpose of the ongoing criminal investigation is to bring those responsible for the incident to face justice, and all prosecution mechanism is being considered”, Najib said, adding that they are not pointing fingers at any party until the authentic evidence is justified.

Razak said the day the Kuala Lumpur-bound Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 was shot down while flying from Amsterdam on July 17, 2014 will never be forgotten by Malaysians. But action needs to be taken. “I want justice to be served”.

A minute’s silence was observed during the memorial service. Many cried and became emotional when the names of the passengers scrolled across screens in tribute to the dead.

Ukraine and the West suspect it was destroyed by a Russian surface-to-air missile fired by Russian soldiers or Russia-backed separatist rebels fighting in the area of eastern Ukraine.

A draft United Nations resolution has called for establishing the tribunal under Chapter 7 of the United Nations charter, meaning the court’s efforts to prosecute those responsible could be enforced by sanctions.

Malaysia told the Security Council last week that it was ready to move ahead with the proposed tribunal despite resistance from Russian Federation, which has said the move is premature.

Deputy UN Ambassador Petr Iliichev confirmed Moscow’s hostility to the plan, telling reporters: “It’s not a good time and it’s counterproductive”.


The Security Council would be required to approve the tribunal as proposed by Malaysia, the Netherlands and other countries that are working together on the investigation into the crash. The incident was the second major aviation disaster to hit the country and its national carrier.

Malaysia asks UN to set up MH17 tribunal - Sky News