
Russia’s Putin calls for lifting all sanctions against Iran

US-Iranian collaboration against extremist groups from ISIL to Al Qaeda could help damp down the fires raging across the Middle East.


It is noteworthy that while earlier in the week everyone was treating a deal as all but inevitable, USA officials began talking down the chances of a deal a couple of days ago. The panel noted that United Nations member states had not reported significant violations of United Nations sanctions and speculated as to why: either Iran was complying, or countries did not wish to interfere with negotiations. These shifts in policy will lead to a loss of credibility among America’s traditional Middle East allies.

That will be no substitute for beating the competition, said Rumel Dahiya, head of the Institute for Defence studies and Analyses in New Delhi: “Nobody can hope for a business deal on concessional terms”, he said.

Some Republicans have a knee-jerk reaction to anything the Obama administration puts forth.

But Western officials indicated they had yet to see substantive new proposals. “It is unknown how long it could take for Iran to break out”. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said of the president. “As far as deadlines are concerned, we never had artificial deadlines”, he said. “Money continues to pour in”.

Washington orchestrated the “nuclear threat” issue in order to prepare Americans and Europeans for a military attack on Iran.

Second, in 10-15 years Iran will be permitted to expand its already robust nuclear program as it wishes. One problem is Iran’s continual “cheating”, he said.

Negotiators have given themselves until the end of the day on Friday. It tells Americans to call their Senators and “speak out against a bad deal”.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday held bilateral talks with Iran President Hassan Rouhani in Russian Federation.

Putin told a news conference in the Russian city of Ufa that there was a question over which sanctions should be lifted and when, but went on to say they should be ended as soon as possible. A rupture would be followed by minimal, or possibly zero transparency to worldwide inspectors in Iran, making it a lot easier for the country to divert fuel, hide facilities and build a weapon by stealth. But without a deal, Iran’s nuclear program remains unconstrained.

But not only is the Iran nuclear crisis a distraction from comprehensive nonproliferation initiatives.

Iranian voters have demonstrated a tendency to elect progressive-minded leaders, but these politicians have always laboured under the yoke of the venerated mullahs who maintain a fundamentalist, reactionary view of the world.

There is a model for sanctions relief that can empower the people of Iran: the sanctions easing that the United States announced for Cuba in December 2014.

Fourth, even if inspections did detect Iranian violations, there’s serious reason to doubt that the Obama Administration would challenge Tehran over them. Most comes from a handful of super-wealthy individuals. Johnson’s 1964 presidential campaign.

In his last article before dying in 2013, the leading realist theorist Ken Waltz of Columbia University even argued that Iran should get the bomb.

On Thursday, a senior Iranian official speaking on condition of anonymity said, “Suddenly everyone has their own red lines”. “I think we’re negotiating with the Russians”.

Congresspeople face a dilemma: they fear a backlash by the billionaires if they vote for the deal, but most of their constituents support the deal.


In Tehran, Gadkari had signed an agreement with Iran for the development of the strategically important Chabahar port in Sistan-Balochistan Province which will give India sea-land access route to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan.

Indian business dreads lifting of Iran sanctions