
Russian anti-doping agency non-compliant: WADA

With less than nine months to go for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Russian Federation is trying to break a world record in the 90-day sprint.


The leader of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s athlete committee is asking the agency to expand the investigation into Russian doping beyond track and field.

WADA’s foundation board unanimously passed a recommendation from a committee which found RUSADA non-compliant with the global body’s charter. “We are at a crossroads in sports”. “It’s a pivotal moment for WADA”.

“If I am clean athlete the only thing I need to be concerned with is that another clean athlete is next to me on the platform”, Pound said.

The IOC provides half of the funding for WADA’s annual $26 million budget and has numerous members on the board and various committees.

The non-compliant countries have failed to responded fully to Wada’s request for information and Argentina, Bolivia and Ukraine have used non-accredited laboratories. Earlier, he presented his country’s case. And failure to meet those conditions will see them declared non-compliant. Andorra and Israel did not have the 2015 WADA code compliant rules in place.

Kenya was noticeably absent from either list.

WADA president Craig Reedie told Scott the agency needs to investigate all sports around the world but needs to figure out how to pay for it.

“I think the athletes were quite clear”, Moses said, adding: “There was testimony in (the report) of what is going on in Russian Federation is beyond track and field”. “The clean athletes can’t be lost from sports events”.

“Athletes around the world are suspecting many other countries and sports”, German International Olympic Committee member Claudia Bokel said of the independent commission report.

“The only sanction that will send a message is to state loudly and clearly that the Russian athletics team can not go to Rio”, he said.

We are angry at the damage being caused to the reputation and credibility of athletics and are united alongside our President to not shy away from the major challenges that face our sport. the athletes will work together to continue the process of cleaning up athletics to ensure those athletes training and competing cleanly are not tainted by the minority. “But never would I have thought that high-level officers of IAAF would be close to being indicted with a money trail for extorting athletes to get rid of positive drug tests”.

Last week WADA announced that it had suspended the Moscow Antidoping Center’s accreditation. Its director has since been removed.

“We saw the tip of the iceberg exposed then”, Moses said. “If we had insufficient evidence, we said so”. The world is watching and we have acted.


“There are going to have to be other sources of revenue”, Moses said.

Norwegian Anti Doping expert Rune Andersen right speaks with Warwick Gendall of New Zealand before a meeting of the World Anti Doping Agency, at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs Wednesday Nov. 18 2015. Andersen is in charge of the IAAF