
Russian Federation Is Upgrading S-300 Defense Missiles Intended For Iran

“They are not only against the Iran deal, but are terrified of it”.


Israel plans to lobby the U.S. Congress not to approve the agreement clinched between Iran and world powers in Vienna earlier this month after more than a decade of negotiations.

The United Nations, the European Union and the United States are going to lift sanctions against Iran, which will help the Islamic republic revitalize its economy.

House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D), told the Hill: “We’ll meet with Mr. Netanyahu, [and] I’m sure he will repeat his very deep concerns and the dangers he believes that the deal presents to Israel…We will speak to people in Israel who do not share his view”. Without our efforts, Iran would already have had a nuclear weapon.

Obama has threatened a veto if the GOP-led Congress votes to reject the accord, meaning critics need two-thirds in both chambers to sustain an override.

Vladimir Kozhin, President Vladimir Putin’s aide on military and technical cooperation, said on Thursday that the Russian-built S-300 air defense system is to be modernized before being delivered to Iran, given the fact the original contract was struck a long time ago.

According to an online transcript released by the Kremlin, Putin expressed certainty that the successful implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal will “strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime and positively affect the security and stability of the Middle East region”.


The Russian president told Netanyahu the deal would also ensure that Iran had a peaceful nuclear program.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks as he attends a Navy parade in Baltiisk western Russia Sunday