
Russian Federation Says US Warplanes Must Immediately Exit Syrian Airspace: Fox News

U.S. military sources told the news outlet that United States planes would not comply with the Russian demand.


An official, speaking on condition of anonymity to Reuters, also said that Washington believes Russian Federation has begun airstrike operations near Homs but said the information was “preliminary”.

Sergei Ivanov, the Kremlin’s Chief of Staff said Russia’s missions would be limited and not open-ended and precluded the use of ground troops. The Observatory says at least 20 IS members were wounded. France announced at the weekend that it had launched its first air strikes in Syria.

The resolution came without warning in the Federation Council, Russia’s higher body of parliament, where 162 senators voted unanimously in support after a closed-door discussion – similar to the vote previous year to green light Russian military force in Ukraine.

I will stress it – we are talking only about providing aviation support to the actions of the regular Syrian army”.

“A Russian official in Baghdad this morning informed U.S. Embassy personnel that Russian military aircraft would begin flying anti-ISIL missions today over Syria“, said spokesman John Kirby.

“In the wake of the Russian president’s appeal for creating a broad worldwide coalition to fight ISIS, it is necessary to expand its membership and, at the same time, to build a structure for coordinating their actions in the Middle East”, the general said.

“Any increase in Russian military support to Syria happened and is happening as a result of a request from the Syrian state”, the Syrian presidency said in a statement.

Russia’s decision to intervene in Syria was prompted by a panicky realisation that the Syrian government was being turned over on the battlefield, diplomats have told Reuters. Talbisah is home to Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, hardline Islamist Ahrar al-Sham, Western-backed TOW anti-tank missile recipients, and a number of other local rebel groups, all of which are active in local governance efforts in the area.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, received permission from parliament for Russian forces to take part in bombing raids earlier on Wednesday.


A couple of weeks ago, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said in an interview that his government could ask for a Russian military aid if necessary.

Vladimir Putin and David Cameron at a G20 summit in 2013