
Russian Federation shuts down Elton John

By Andy MaltThanks to Elton John, I now know that Vladimir Putin has an official Instagram account, and that he has been hanging out with Silvio Berlusconi of late. That was directed to, er, both of you.


The spokesman suggested that the incident was not worth a serious discussion, adding that were Putin to receive a meeting request from Elton John, such an encounter could be arranged.

On Tuesday, it looked like there was hope: John posted a photo of Putin on Instagram and thanked him for a phone call.

It isn’t clear if the singer may have a face-to-face with Putin, or whether or not a gathering may function a duet, however Sir Elton John’s message to the Russian chief is obvious.

Elton John’s supposed chat with Vladimir Putin about gay rights wasn’t just too good to be true – it was all a joke.

“He (Elton John) said: “Thank you, you’ve made my day”.

However, the story took a unusual twist when a spokesperson for President Putin insisted he had never spoken to the singer, and had no plans whatsoever to meet him.

Haven’t received such signals?

Speaking on Wednesday – after receiving an apology from the pranksters who impersonated him – Mr Peskov said the pair should instead say sorry to Sir Elton. I’d love to sit down with him. “And I was Vladimir Putin“, ‘the prankster told the newspaper.

But the Kremlin firmly denied the president had contacted the singer and hinted the call could have been a hoax.

Russian Federation sparked an global outcry in June 2013 after passing a law banning what it called homosexual “propaganda” among children.

“It’s probably pie in the sky …”

“There was no conversation”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov informed reporters according to CNN.


Sir Elton John delivers a speech about tolerance and equal rights for all during 12th Yalta European Strategy forum (YES) in Kiev on September 12. “He may laugh behind my back when he shuts the door, but at least I can think I have the conscience to say I tried”.

Vladimir Putin phones Elton John after request to discuss gay rights in Russia