
Russian hackers responsible for DNC attacks, Clinton campaign officials say

USA spy agencies do the same overseas.


The bitterness in the battle between Sanders and Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination is being brought to the fore again in the wake of the leak of hacked emails showing that the Democratic National Committee favored Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager did a round on the weekly talk shows where he raised the suggestion that Russian actors are working to undermine her in an effort to elect Donald Trump.

He pointed to a pattern that includes reports of Russians hacking into the Democratic party’s servers; the Trump campaign’s business ties to Putin allies; Trump’s words and positions undermining North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the European Union and assistance for Ukraine; the compliments back and forth between Trump and Putin; and now the leak of hacked emails at a moment timed to disrupt the Democratic convention. The committee is supposed to be neutral and the disclosure forced chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a congresswoman from Florida, to resign. According to a report by CNN Politics, Hillary Clinton’s campaign personnel believe that Russian Federation is attacking the DNC and Clinton in an effort to help rival Donald Trump secure a White House win in November.

“I think when you put all this together, it’s a disturbing picture, and voters need to reflect on that”, Mook said.

Some experts say WikiLeaks could continue to release emails that will affect the election.

He barely touched on the substance of the leaks.

Asked about claims that Russian intelligence had hacked the DNC to obtain the emails, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told NBC News’ Richard Engel “there is no proof of that whatsoever” and said “this is a diversion” pushed by the Clinton campaign. Bernie Sanders during the primary season.

But he made it clear that he’ll remain a team player. “I watched him bumble through the interview”. Clinton’s campaign said convention speeches would be optimistic, offering ideas for helping people and showcasing Clinton’s lifelong commitment to public service. Listening are vice presidential running mate Gov. Mi.

The Vermont senator also corrected the record on his religion – he told CNN he’s not an atheist. One of his sons called it disgusting.

“What they don’t want to. talk about is what’s in those emails”. “This shows that Hillary Clinton will do and say anything to win the election and hold onto power in the rigged system”. “And I intend to do everything I can to see he is defeated”.

The cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, which was hired by the DNC to track down the hackers, posted the code used in the hacks on its blog last month with the permission of the DNC.

Democrats, including some in Congress, are trying to pressure the White House to publicly name Russian Federation as the perpetrator, in the way the government named North Korea in the Sony hack and China for hacking various USA companies. And by the time suspected Russian hackers were kicked out of the DNC network in June, the hackers had been inside for about a year. This despite the fact that only a week ago, Donald Trump claimed that, under certain circumstances, the USA wouldn’t defend its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies from against “Russian aggression”.

Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort also used to be a lobbyist for the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, who was ousted in 2014.

Recent reports have also chronicled Trump’s business partnerships in Russian Federation. Adviser John Podesta pointed to a “bromance” between Trump and Putin.

The ties extend beyond personalities to sympatico policies.

The Clinton campaign has accused Moscow of trying to meddle in the United States election and help Trump.

This was on a week where Trump expressed doubt about major western alliances. “Russia has tried for over half a century to dissolve North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”.


As for the European Union, he told NBC this weekend that it was created to beat the United States economically. Trump has been praised by all the major ones – Britain’s UKIP, France’s National Front, the Dutch Party for Freedom and Hungary’s Jobbik.

Clinton's campaign manager: Russia helping Trump