
Russian lab chief to be interviewed over Sochi doping claims

But Putin, speaking at a news conference in the southern Russian city of Sochi, also said he hoped the actions of the World Anti-Doping Agency in respect to Russian athletes were not politically-motivated.


“Burson-Marsteller Europe is advising on a range of communications and media issues relating to Russia’s participation at the Summer Olympic Games in Rio”, said Catherine Sullivan, managing director of worldwide communications for the firm in NY.

“60 Minutes” also aired a report last week with a whistleblower who said he sent 200 emails and 50 letters about Russian doping to WADA, but was told the agency didn’t have the power to investigate inside the country.

Bach said allegations that Russian officials subverted the drug-testing system at the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi “represent a shocking new dimension in doping” and an “unimaginable level of criminality”. “Only in that case it will be interesting for athletes, as well as millions of fans and spectators”.

Russia’s Sports Ministry said on Wednesday it fully supported actions by the International Olympic Committee to bar athletes who dope from competitions, but said clean athletes should not be excluded from the Rio Games.

Markin described Rodchenkov’s claims as part of what he called a US campaign to “discredit our country, paint it in black”.

“Just suppose we invite him here to be interrogated”.

Reedie, who has been criticised in some media for appearing to take a soft line towards Moscow on the issue, said Russian Federation was dragging its feet over improving its anti-doping system and ruled out compliance in time for the Rio Olympics, which start in August.

Van Niekerk who recently won the 400m National Championships in Stellenbosch this year says it is disheartening when an athlete wins using illegal measure, “Anything you do in life, you don’t want the cheater to win so it is nice knowing that they turning up the game when it comes to doping”. “It’s individual decisions of a personal coach, a head coach or an athlete”.


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If Sochi charges true Russia could face Winter Olympics bans too, warns Bach