
Russian Man Sues Bethesda After Fallout 4 Bender Destroys His Marriage, Health

That means it’s going to be a tall order for the plaintiff to prove he wasn’t necessarily lacking in self-control when he got hooked on Fallout 4.


The self-proclaimed addict has filed a lawsuit against Fallout 4 creator Bethesda, and he is seeking 500,000 roubles (a little over $7,000 USD) in compensation from the Maryland-based studio. A 28-year-old man from Krasnoyarsk says that his life took a turn for the worse from the moment he first download Fallout 4 and began his trek into a post-apocalyptic Boston. Earlier this year, a Chinese gamer died after sitting and playing World of Warcraft for 19 hours straight.

The man’s Fallout 4 addiction meant that he had little time for unnecessary distractions like work. He claims he was so addicted that he couldn’t even make time to eat or sleep. His friends stopped hearing from him, his sleeping and eating habits deteriorated and his wife left him. Let us know what you think in the comments.

But for some, the pull of Bethesda’s latest adventure has proven to have a disastrous effect, as is the case for a Siberian gamer who is preparing to sue the game developer for failing to warn him about the game’s addictive qualities. Five years ago, a Hawaiian man filed a suit against NCSoft, the developers responsible for how addictive Lineage II was, and won.

“If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it”, the man said in a statement, according to RT.


A judge agreed to hear the case, but it was eventually dismissed with prejudice.

Man sues Bethesda claims Fallout 4 cost him job and wife