
Rwanda hails Paris agreement on climate change, prepares for instruments of

A historic new global climate agreement has been struck at the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris.


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The biggest goal of the pact is to limit the warming on Earth to 2 degrees Celsius compared to the average temps since the Industrial Revolution in order to minimize some of the most devastating effects of climate change.

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For rich countries to help poorer ones by providing funding ($100 billion by 2020) to help them adapt to climate change and switch to renewable energy.

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Javadekar said the agreement maintains differentiation in mitigation actions of developed and developing countries. The minister said the Paris accord is a very successful agreement from the viewpoint of saving the earth.

“In fact the deal as it stands in the context of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) that have been submitted sets us firmly on the path to a devastating three degrees of global warming”. By some point after 2050, the agreement says, man-made emissions should be reduced to a level that forests and oceans can absorb. Temperatures have already increased by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times.

“The governments did not create a climate change police force”, he said.

Loud applause and embracing and some weeping among delegates ensued after French foreign minister Laurent Fabius gaveled the agreement, which United Nations diplomats had been working to realize for nine years now. “If we have that cycle repeated every five years we’re going to reach the target”.

However, Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said the climate change agreement is “weak and unambitious” as it does not include any “meaningful” targets and has discharged developed nations from their historical responsibility.

As COP21 concludes, the Agreement will need to be ratified by all 196 countries.

“Climate change remains a challenge but Paris agreement demonstrates how every nation rose to the challenge, working towards a solution”, he added.

“As people are beginning to even see glaciers melting and rivers drying up and droughts that they never saw before, fires consuming Indonesia and other places, there is a sense of urgency”, Secretary of State John Kerry said after the agreement was reached in Paris. Until then, they are expected only to rein in the growth of emissions as their economies develop.

New Zealand would continue to meet its worldwide obligations by buying carbon credits and seeking cuts in the transport sector – partly through policies which were soon to be announced and which encouraged electric vehicle uptake.

World leaders have agreed to a deal to fight climate change and mitigate the rise of global temperatures.


“While I pulled these two elements out for special mention, we view this agreement not as a combination of separate articles, but as a total package that will provide us with the legal framework for protecting our ecosystems, our islands, our people, our cultures and our planet”. Developing countries were given some flexibility on different provisions, including on the scope, frequency and level of detail of reporting.

French President Francois Hollande right French Foreign Minister and president of the COP21 Laurent Fabius second right United Nations climate chief Christiana Figueres and United Nations Secretary General Ban ki Moon hold their hands up after the