
Ryan Lochte nabs new sponsor after Speedo, others dump him

While heavyweights such as Speedo and Ralph Lauren have called time on their Lochte contracts since the USA swimmer made false claims about being robbed at gunpoint at Rio 2016, California confectioner Pine Bros. has moved to sign him up. “We all make mistakes, but they’re rarely given”. Softish Throat Drops — that says customers should give Lochte “a second chance” after a drunken incident during the Rio Olympics. Lochte will appear in a television commercial and print ads for the company. Chief Executive Rider McDowell said in a statement on Thursday. He’s a great guy who has done incredible work with charities.


Pine Bros., a privately held company, is based in California and produces lozenges based on a formula developed after the Civil War. In 2014, the company made the decision to endorse Martha Stewart after her own “fall from grace”.

Lochte, 32, became the figure of much scrutiny after he lied about getting kidnapped in Rio during the Summer Olympics. Not only did he hire a crisis publicist, but he is apparently also in talks to be part of Dancing With the Stars upcoming season.


Pine Bros. said in a press release Thursday that people should be more understanding and forgiving of the swimmer.

Olympic bro Ryan Lochte with some Pine Bros. cough drops