
Ryan looks to move past challenger in Wisconsin GOP primary

Those decisions are being appealed, so the rules could change between now and then.


But that may have been too late to reverse permanent damage to Trump’s relationship with local Republicans in Wisconsin – an important swing state, Powell said. The victor will face Libertarian Andy Craig, of Milwaukee, in November. Ron Johnson in November’s general election.

Republican nominee Donald Trump has had a tough couple of weeks, going from a lead to a double-digit deficit in some polls.

Just a week before the primary, Trump publicly thanked Paul Nehlen for his support and told The Washington Post he wasn’t ready to endorse Ryan – a move that came as payback for Ryan’s slow-walked Trump endorsement in the spring.

Although the Republican presidential nominee ultimately endorsed Ryan with muted enthusiasm at a Friday evening rally, Nehlen has explained that away as a dutiful response by Trump to pressure from party officials irate at the mogul’s meddling.

Confident about his chances, Ryan also has spent time this summer working to secure the Republican majority in the House, in particular by promoting his policy agenda called “A Better Way”, which includes conservative proposals for reforming poverty programs, health care and taxes, plus a hawkish tilt on national security. He differs with Ryan on trade and immigration, with Nehlen last week opening the possibility of deporting Muslims from the United States.

Three candidates are vying for the GOP nomination in northeastern Wisconsin’s 8th District after incumbent Republican Reid Ribble decided not to seek a fourth term.

The victor will face Democrat Tom Nelson in November. “The question is who is going to write the rules on the global economy – [we can’t] retreat, not play the games, not get involved and let other countries write the rules”. Lena Taylor, a member of the powerful budget-writing committee. The district covers parts of Milwaukee’s north side, Glendale, Shorewood and a sliver of Wauwatosa.

In the Legislature, state Sen.

The movement against the 46-year-old Ryan has taken on the appearance of a revolt of sorts, in the midst of an anti-establishment wave that helped make Trump the party’s presidential nominee. Rick Gudex (R-Fond du Lac) isn’t running for re-election, and both parties are heavily contesting the election to replace him.

ALIPAC is also focused on the GOP primary in Arizona, where it aims to help an Arizona physician defeat Senator John McCain later this month.


State Rep. Josh Zepnick, a Milwaukee Democrat who was convicted of drunken driving past year, is running against Marisabel Cabrera.

Paul Nehlen