
Ryan Plans House Vote on Gun Provision After Democratic Sit

The details of the gun-related legislation are still unclear, but the measure might not be enough to mollify Democrats, who have expressed significant frustration with Republican opposition to gun control measures after previous mass shootings.


A week after the House Democrats’ 25-hour sit-in for gun control, Ryan announced Thursday via a conference call with House Republicans that the House will vote on a counterterrorism package with a stipulation to prevent people on the federal government’s terror watch lists from buying guns. One would expand background check requirements for gun buyers, the other would ban firearms sales to terror suspects.

The legislation, which will be voted on next week, is similar to a bill authored by Sen.

In the aftermath of the event, Ryan repeatedly called the incident a “publicity stunt”, but on Thursday a source told The Hill that he emphasised the importance of ensuring that terrorists can’t obtain weapons, as it was “common sense”. Ryan agreed to meet with the Democrats next Tuesday, Republican and Democratic aides said. There are several bills that could be brought to the floor that will help disrupt terrorists, but the House is divided.

House Democrats criticized the measure, claiming the legislation is the handiwork of the NRA.

He discussed his plans in a conference call with House Republicans, and his remarks were described by an official who was on the call.

Republican leaders argue that the Democratic proposal and the Collins-led plan are both unconstitutional because they strip people of their right to buy a firearm, without due process.

“It is a responsible measure that confronts this threat while protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens”, House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement.

When House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) allows a gun control vote next week it will be focused on reviving Senator John Cornyn’s (R-Texas) already rejected, post-Orlando gun legislation.

Despite the Democratic opposition, the GOP majority is expected to pass the bill.


Reid said he was hopeful for a bill introduced by Republican Senator Susan Collins of ME, and a bipartisan House companion bill backed by Republicans including Representative Carlos Curbelo of Florida, that would prevent gun sales to anyone on the government’s “No Fly List” for terrorism suspects or the “Selectee List” of people subject to extra screening at airports. In the Senate in four votes held just about a week following the Orlando, Fla., shooting attack that left 49 people dead and dozens more injured.

Becky Bracken 15 min ago Everything You Need To Know About A Terrorism Watch List Gun Law     Andrew Burton  Getty Images News  Getty Images