
Ryan plans to stick with Trump endorsement

GOP leaders “have to get a lot tougher and be quiet”.


At a time when a presumptive nominee would normally be looking to bring the GOP together in advance of a November showdown with Hillary Clinton, Trump and his surrogates have evidently made a decision to attack the leadership of their own party.

Said Speaker Ryan: “I, you know, you can’t make this up sometimes”.

“If I’m asked a question, I’m going to answer it honestly. I’m going to be myself”. Just be quiet, ” he told them. Just please be quiet. “I think I am going to be forced to, our leaders have to get a lot tougher”, he began. He doesn’t even know if the Trump campaign has a point person on Wall Street issues.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of SC, who does not support Trump, described the accusation that Obama is sympathetic to ISIS “highly offensive”.

Donald Trump, in the wake of the Orlando shooting, this week repeated his intention to ban Muslims from entering the US and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee added that, as president, he’d have authority to carry out such a ban without congressional approval. Ryan says he does not support an outright ban on Muslim immigration.

It’s far-fetched, to say the least – no Republican has won Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush drafted on Ronald Reagan’s popularity in 1988. Or, “Do you endorse what they say?” The campaign did not respond to a request for a clarification as to whether this meant Christians coming from those countries would be banned and what countries that would include.

“When we started the primaries, I was up against 16, 17 guys and they said there was no way we would win North Carolina”. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

Vietnam veteran Doug Ricker disagreed.

Republican Donald Trump has a message to his fellow Republicans: I’m happy to go it alone.

“My problem is they love me or they hate me”, Trump said.

“We need one prominent Trump supporter to speak out and renege”, one source said. Obviously, there are some great Muslim-Americans in this country. “I do though believe that the last thing we want is a Democrat in the White House like Hillary Clinton”.

The rally itself was rowdy, with the crowd roaring its approval consistently throughout the speech – and drowning out a number of interruptions from protests. “Aw, shucky ducky!” Cain said, soaking it in.

In a meeting with GOP leaders, Mitt Romney criticized the 2016 Republican field for not finding a better way to defeat Trump and for fighting amongst themselves.

These hundreds of uncommitted superdelegates would be free to choose a new last minute compromise nominee at the party convention – just in case a presumptive presidential nominee suddenly seemed somehow unacceptable or unelectable.


But their newest efforts – fanned by Trump’s drop in the polls and his recent controversies over the judge and his response to Orlando – depend largely on whether, as one source put it, “the grassroots starts to recognize what a disaster this would be for the party”.

Donald Trump claimed Muslim Americans didn't report potential extremism in their own community and he couldn't be more wrong