
Ryan wants changes in Trump campaign after “anti-Semitic” tweet

That lack of effort left Trump with a historically low fundraising total in May: just $3.1 million in actual donations, an nearly unheard of monetary dearth for a presidential candidate that put him on track to raise less money than any major-party nominee since Al Gore’s 2000 bid, when candidates typically accepted public funding and spent much less on their campaigns.


Team Trump said that more than 400,000 supporters contributed, with almost all – 94% – giving less than $200.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced last week it had raised $68 million in June.

The sum, raised between the campaign and the larger Trump Victory effort with the Republican National Committee, is more than 16 times what he raised in May-the month in which he secured the nomination.

The Speaker of the House would very much like Donald Trump to tweet off. Those figures also include joint fundraising with the candidates’ parties and affiliated committees.

“I can not imagine more vivid proof of corruption”, Gingrich said, pointing in particular to former President Bill Clinton’s impromptu meeting with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac last week. However, he is not required to file a formal report with the FEC about his June fundraising until 20 July, which will be during the convention and likely after Trump officially becomes the GOP standard bearer.

At a rally in New Hampshire on Thursday, however, Trump shut down a questioner who told the candidate that he’s “opposed to wasting our military in the Middle East on behalf of Zionist Israel”.

“I really believe he has got to clean up the way his newmedia works, “Ryan saidin an interview on the Wisconsin radio stationWTMJ”.

Also Read: No E-Mail Charges for Hillary Clinton – What Else Ya Got, Trump? Party fundraisers are finalizing a busy schedule of coming finance events for Trump, who is set to headline several events almost every week through the end of the summer, according to a person familiar with the plans.

It’s not clear whether Trump can match Clinton’s fundraising – or whether he needs to – given his ability to command attention and votes with little traditional television advertising. Trump brought in $89.5 million during the same period, including $50 million of his own money.


Of these Dollars 51 million, USD 26 million were raised through digital and small donations.

AP-GOP 2016 Trump