
Ryan Will Speak At Republican Convention

This year, suddenly it’s the voters’ (and the anti-Trump delegates’) failing for not coming to terms with the party’s nominee even though he’s wildly less qualified to be president than McCain or Romney were.


Those such as Correll, however, contend that they do not argue with the right of the national convention to pass whatever rules they wish, but they say they now know that they will not have to worry about facing jail time or a fine from the state simply because of the way they vote in what should be a party, not a legal, matter. Roughly 20 of the 112 members on the panel voted in favor of the change. He’s been replaced by an alternate Kasich delegate, Christine Misto, who said she expects to vote for Kasich on the first ballot but is willing to support Trump as the nominee.

Monday morning started with a debate about transgender Americans’ use of public restrooms.

Mr. Trump is under no obligation to follow the party platform, a document that describes the party’s core policy positions, values and beliefs. “We salute the several states which have filed suit against it”, reads the platform.

At Monday’s early platform meetings, a subcommittee changed the word “ominous” to “dangerous”.

“We believe in a nuclear family”.

“We have such a great convention planned”, he said.

The platform, he said, would also endorse stepped up deportation of illegal immigrants now in the U.S. Julie Adams and Tennessee delegate Connie Hunter, who both warned of “overkill”.

“This is.001%, (of the population) yet we’re elevating this to a national issue, it’s kind of mind-boggling to me that we would elevate it to this extent”, Adams said.

The move could also force a potentially messy floor debate on national television as Republicans try to defend all the elements of the lengthy platform, including provisions like one passed Monday declaring internet porn a “public health crisis” and the anti-LGBT language. “So I don’t think that’s going to happen”.

His victory energized “dump-Trump” activists in North Carolina and around the country.

A few days later, he took what an aide described as a friendly and supportive call from Caitlyn Jenner, a former Olympic decathlete who came out as transgender previous year.

“He’s not a Republican, that’s the problem”, said Bill Eastland, a Trump delegate who like numerous dissidents preferred Trump’s former rival, Texas Sen.

“When it comes to social issues, the party must in fact and deed be inclusive and welcoming”, the report said.

“In the current uncertain environment nationwide, we are concerned for police officers who would be charged with protecting our marchers and advocates as well as for the safety and well-being of our march participants”, Michael Weinstein and Tracy Jones, with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, said in a statement. With lack of information on security details and the recent mass shootings, many party members are fearful that the very nature of Trump’s campaign will incite violence between his critics and supporters.

In an emotional speech, Hoff pointed to polling showing that many younger Republicans support gay marriage.

The latest draft also calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v Hodges decision, which ended all state bans on same-sex marriage.

But from a hotly debated amendment, it’s clear divisions in the GOP over gay marriage exist.

The new version says children are most successful in a family with a married mom and dad, and urges support for the traditional family structure. My parents are not Republicans, so I wasn’t born this way.

Dickerson did score one win – opposing an amendment that would have encouraged children to be in their “biological” homes. Dickerson mentioned she had adopted children, and others in the room agreed. “Hell no!” exclaimed one delegate at the table as the crosstalk heated up.

After voting to keep “traditional marriage” in the Republican Party’s platform, members of the committee rejected two proposals to include language addressing the LGBT community on Tuesday.

In a contested vote, the amendment ultimately failed.


According to the convention website, about 2,470 delegates and 2,302 alternate delegates will be in attendance.

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