
Ryback Wishes WWE Well in Their Future Endeavors

If the latest video on Ryback’s Instagram profile is to be believed then the WWE and he have ended their association. Ryback, real name Ryan Reeves, made a video post on his Instagram that seems to confirm the inevitable, while also announcing his future plans. Ryback says he and the company will no longer be doing business together but he wishes the other Superstars the best. At that time, he said his frustration stemmed from booking, including his feud with Kalisto for the United States title. Prior to that, he had freshened up his character, turning heel and picking on smaller wrestlers like he did in his previous heel run, but with less success and much less fanfare.


With Ryback nearly confirmed to be letting his contract expire without a new deal on Monday, August 8, he also teased some future projects on his Instagram video. He became increasingly frustrated in recent months and has been off television since he reqested to be sent home from a Raw episode earlier this year.


He also announced that he will be launching this Monday in addition to putting out a clothing line, motivational book and sports supplement products.

Ryback leaves WWE