
Sacred Heart president defends decision to host Trump event

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump comes to Connecticut Saturday for his first visit since officially winning his party’s nomination.


Trump is due to speak at 7:30 Sacred Heart University, where former WWE CEO Linda McMahon serves on the board of directors.

“There’s no doubt about it CT will be front and center in the presidential election this year”, read a fundraising email the state party sent to supporters on Thursday.

Providing fresh proof that the Trump campaign believes CT is in play this fall, the Republican presidential candidate will appear Saturday at a rally in Fairfield. We are officially “in play”, meaning our seven electoral votes could go to a Republican for the first time since 1988.

Connecticut’s Democratic party chairman wasted no time in releasing a statement on Trump’s potential visit.

Balletto cited officials with Republican ties, like former Rep. Chris Shays, announcing their support for Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has said he believes CT is “in play” this year.


Sacred Heart says the rally is not a university-sponsored event.

Tucker Ives  WNPR