
Samsung Recalls Galaxy Note 7 Smartphone

Samsung Electronics is urging consumers worldwide to stop using Galaxy Note 7 smartphones immediately and exchange them as soon as possible, as more reports of the phones catching fire emerged even after the company’s global recall.


A customer holds a Galaxy Note 7 at Samsung Electronics Co.’s exhibition room at its main office in southern Seoul on September 2, 2016, as the tech giant announced a global recall of the phablet after several devices caught fire while being charged.

Consumers can visit Samsung’s service centers to receive rental phones for temporary use.

After the recall announcement earlier this month, the company is said to have contacted ATL to order an additional 4 million batteries as replacements in the Galaxy Note 7 devices.

“On reports that faulty batteries in SamsungGalaxy Note 7 caused some handsets to explode PakistanInternational Airlines (PIA) has imposed a ban on carrying this smartphone in flights”, an airline official said.

“Garuda Indonesia asks all passengers not to operate mobile phone during flight due to the advisory from the FAA on the use of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone”, he said in a statement.

The U.S. was among the first countries to take a step following the recall.

The airline also advised that the passenger will not be allowed to store the device in their checked luggage.


The US Consumer Product Safety Commission has urged owners of the smartphone to discontinue using the device and to turn it off. The Galaxy Note series is one of the most expensive lineups made by Samsung.

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