
Samurai slices 100 miles per hour baseball in half like it’s no big deal

Machii was precise, but his mechanical opponent was even better.


Oricon’s official YouTube channel posted a video showing what happens when a samurai faces off against a baseball pitching machine.

He takes a couple of pitches to line up his swing and then unsheathes his sword in the blink of an eye to cut clean through the third one.

Unfortunately, Machii, who’s called a “modern samurai”, lives in a time when he can’t show off his blade mastery by using it to drown the countryside in the blood of his enemies. He holds Guinness World Records for most sword cuts to a single mat, most sword cuts to straw mats in three minutes, and fastest tennis ball cut by a sword.

No, he didn’t appear in “Kill Bill” Vol. 1 or 2, and as far as we know, he hasn’t been cast for Vol. 3, but Isao Machii beats Uma Thurman on sword fighting skills hands down, any day.


Standing on an elevated platform 30 feet away from where a baseball is shot toward him at 100 miles per hour, Machii cuts the ball cleanly in half with said sword.

Samurai Isao Machii prepares to slice a baseball in half as it travels towards him at 100mph