
Samurai slices 100 miles per hour fastball with sword in Japan

Sure, it takes Isao Machii a couple pitches to line up his flawless shot, but on the third pitch from the machine he’s able to let ‘er rip and slice the ball precisely in half.


Isao Machii, who previously made headlines when he dueled a sword-wielding robot and sliced a shrimp traveling 80 miles per hour through the air, drew his sword after the ball was sacked from the pitching machine and sliced it in half in midair.

With that kind of resume, how do you think he fared when presented with the challenge of cutting a pitch traveling 100 miles per hour in half? He literally stepped into the box with his sword in its holster, waited for the pitch, and the cut the thing in half. Upon first glance, you truly won’t believe what you just seen, swearing it’s a few type of camera trick or illusion.


Now a Japanese sword master has combined two of his nation’s great loves – baseball and samurai – to deliver the ultimate show of lightning quick reaction.
