
San Bernardino terrorist was ‘fixated on Israel’, says his father

In an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa, the father of one of the San Bernardino shooters said his son was obsessed with Israel and that he had tried to convince him that war and killing was not the answer.


CV Claverie claimed in a Facebook post on Thursday that Farook had been “threatening” Thalasinos, telling him that “Christians and Jews deserve to die; and that he (Nicholas) was going to die”.

Syed Farook senior was born in Pakistan and came to the United States in 1973. Farook’s father told La Stampa he also never met her.

The father of the San Bernardino gunman gave a harrowing interview where he said that he knew his son was in agreement with ISIS ideology and also had a negative obsession with Israel.

Before the shooting, Farook had expressed some troubling beliefs, his father told La Stampa newspaper.

Apart from geopolitical issues leading to his son’s inclination to extremism, Mr. Farook also admitted that his own family had been on the rocks in recent years.

The couple’s divorce was started in 2006 finalized this year, and the elder Farook said that she moved in with Rizwan last May and he moved in with Raheel in September.

“My son said that he shared [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] Al Baghdadi’s ideology and supported the creation of the Islamic State”.

“My mother always said: ‘We, the Arabs, we were born to hate Jews.’ This speech, I heard it all throughout my childhood”, his brother later stated.

Rizwan Farook’s mother Rafia, who live with him, said that her ex-husband is an alcoholic, mentally ill and hit her, according to the New York Times. My son called me a godless person and he decided that my marriage with my wife had to end.

The 67-year-old said that he did not know whether his son had contact with terrorist suspects overseas, but said that it was possible with technology.

He also cleared up confusion regarding the family name Syed Farook, with public records seemingly stating that he had called two of his sons after himself.

The elder Farook, who says he is from the city and liberal, said that Rizwan was a momma’s boy because both he and his ex-wife are very religious.

But ISIS’ acknowledgment of Malik and Farook as supporters doesn’t mean they were members or that someone from the group ordered it, said retired Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona, a CNN military analyst and a former intelligence officer.


Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire at Farook’s co-workers at a holiday party for the environmental health department before being gunned down hours later in a shootout with authorities. Not even covered in that burqa she wore.

Syed Rizwan Farook Tashfeen Malik