
San Francisco district attorney expands Uber lawsuit

Last year, the number of complaints against taxi services surged above 10,000 – the first time the figure has hit five digits since the government’s Transport Complaints Unit began keeping a tally in 2003. The complaint listed other incidents in this driver’s criminal history, including felony robbery with a firearm, selling cocaine, and DUIs in southern California.


VANCOUVER BANNED Uber’s attempt to crack the Vancouver market in 2012 lasted a mere six months. Those individuals have since been cited for illegal activity, prosecutors said.

Amritha Trikha and Manav booked an Uber cab as they had separate meetings at Bellandur and Hebbal in the city. In Hong Kong the police detained Uber’s managers and closed its offices, Pravda wrote. GPS tracks the driver’s route while providing their personal and vehicle details to the customer. After setting the destination they immediately learn the price.

Taxi drivers in some French cities pay sums rising into the hundreds of thousands of euros for licences whose numbers are restricted. Rather, it’s a service that relies on drivers signing up where they are.

Among the disadvantages is that users provide all information from their payment card, including the security code. (Uber did not respond to The Pitch’s request for comment.) So now the city is in the process of determining, as Hernandez puts it, “which level of background checks is best for transportation companies that serve the airport”.

Cesar Fernandez is a public policy associate for Uber.

But Uber maintains the accusations are unfair, saying every Uber driver in Queensland had a Driver Authorisation by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Safety “is not as simple as one fingerprint or one particular method of checking”, he said.

Even as I write this, drivers across town are breaking the law all the time with impunity, and very little to nothing is being done about it. Their rudeness has always been a problem, and it’s not a crime, but refusing a hire is, and it’s out of control. According to the DA, Uber’s system has big gaping holes. Lokman Kuris, manager for the international expansion of Uber, explained that all their drivers need to have licences.

Drivers with Uber and similar ride-hailing services in Lafayette are now subject to safety requirements similar to those of taxicab drivers.

“From the state’s point of view it is important that regarding the safety of passengers a certain quality of taxi services should be guaranteed”, Zeman told The Slovak Spectator.


On a wider scale, the company has also been criticized for its aggressive tactics, from using an army of lobbyists to its operatefirst- and-ask-questions-later approach. “If you have a fingerprint background, the fact that they were arrested and convicted would show”, he said.

Taxi Medallion Owners, Drivers Protest TLC Over For-Hire Companies