
Sanders ad burst coincides with movement in polls

“Sen. Sanders wants to dismantle Obamacare, dismantle the CHIP program, dismantle Medicare, and dismantle private insurance”, she said, according to MSNBC.


Sanders has vowed to break up the big banks, but Clinton asserted here that she has stood up to special interests throughout her career, including on Wall Street.

“I’m going to let the voters decide what’s relevant and what’s not relevant in their decision as to who they’re going to support”, Clinton said. I would in their position, and I’m usually big on electability.

Chelsea Clinton hit the trail for the first time this election cycle on Tuesday to campaign for her mother, and she came out swinging.

In a pointed jab at Sanders’ call for a “political revolution”, Clinton added, “If that’s the kind of revolution he’s talking about, I am anxious, folks”.

In her first attempt in 2008, she was defeated in the Democratic Party primaries by the outgoing President Barack Obama. In Dubuque, Clinton said she hoped that Sanders “hurries up” and releases more details of his tax plan “because you deserve to see the comparisons side-by-side.”Briggs said. In this scenario, she would be free to tack towards the center, if she saw fit, without worrying about having a Democratic opponent exploit her “centrism”.

By double-digit margins, poll participants said Sanders more closely shares their values – and that he’s more honest and trustworthy, said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the poll.

Clinton said she avoided domestic politics while serving as secretary of state.

“I think that Bernie is speaking to a yearning that is deep and real-and he has credibility on it. And that is the absolute enormous concentration of wealth in a small group of people, with the middle class now able to be shown being left out. Sanders wants to do”. But the poll results in the two states with the first voting prompted Sanders to claim that Clinton’s campaign is in “serious trouble”. They would also compel her to continue to focus on running against a Socialist rather than a Republican – in other words to delay any tacking towards the center.

Clinton appeared to relish laying into Sanders.

“85 percent of Democrats say Clinton would have a good chance of winning in November, while 68 percent say Sanders has a good chance of winning the main event”.

Donald Trump also had some choice words for the Clintons marriage in a recent interview. Just as Clinton was addressing supporters at Iowa State University, a Quinnipiac University poll of likely Democratic Caucus-goers was released showing Sanders with a slight lead over Clinton 20 days from the caucus.

Clinton aides have long said they expected the race to tighten but there is concern inside Clinton’s campaign that Sanders is catching fire in the important weeks leading up to the caucuses.

The ad caps off a hard day for the Clinton campaign, where a trio of national and early state polls found numbers headed in Sanders direction.

“It could be that the inevitable candidate for the Democratic nomination may not be so inevitable today”, he said.


The five-point lead for Sanders is a turnabout from last month, when the Quinnipiac poll had Clinton leading by 11.

Bernie Sanders