
Sanders appears to have conceded the Nomination to Hillary

Here, here. As important as it is to incorporate Sanders’ progressive policies into Clinton’s campaign and bring the Democratic Party back together in unity, it’s just as important for Democrats to work together to keep a risky sociopath like Trump out of the White House.


Last weekend’s State Democratic Convention made clear that die-hard Bernie Sanders supporters aren’t eager to fold their tent. The former Secretary of State is expected to arrive on Capitol Hill around 10 a.m. ET.

But there’s a fourth candidate already out there who, like Johnson, enjoys the support of a preexisting party with a clear identity and access to the ballot in many states: Jill Stein, making her second consecutive run for president, as the presumptive Green nominee for 2016 (she will, barring a odd upset, be formally nominated at the Green convention in early August). The revelation comes as Sanders’ supporters have complained about voter suppression in states with primaries closed to independent voters and have refused to back Clinton in the November general election. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a news conference outside his campaign headquarters in Washington.

She says she will tackle “the twin problems” of college affordability and student debt and ensure Wall Street and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes. The Massachusetts senator is a favorite of progressives and has emerged as a ferocious critic of presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Sanders said he and Clinton have had “real differences of opinion”.

Some of Sanders’ supporters have migrated to the Clinton camp, while many others fall somewhere in a pragmatic middle ground that strives to continue Sanders’ revolution and momentum in the realm of policy activism.

He and his campaign organization are negotiating with the presumptive nominee on a near daily basis to encourage Clinton to stake out the most progressive positions possible, Sanders said.

“As we Methodists like to say, “Do all the good you can to all the people you can in all the ways you can”, and that’s absolutely true for our children”. Sanders spends a lot of time attacking my husband, attacking President Obama. Clinton said Wednesday that the pair will discuss “an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top” at the Cincinnati event.

They could capitalize on the party’s divisions, or Clinton’s scandal du jour, and oppose her nomination at all costs.

Clinton also largely avoided talking about Trump outside of briefly listing areas where Trump has proven himself unqualified to be president, according to Democratic lawmakers. Clinton’s paltry support among Sanders voters could still grow, as his disheartened fans process the hard-fought primary campaign. Elizabeth Warren, who will campaign with Clinton on Monday in Cincinnati, Ohio, Virginia Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J. and Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro, are not well known. I know the Democratic Party thinks it’s all the fault of one guy who got the idiots riled up, but if they don’t want an American Spring on their hands, they’d do well to listen.

“He is not going to get everything he wants because at the end of the day he did not win the nomination”, Hudak said.

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is “a world-class liar”.


“In any speech that I gave, if I used the word ‘yuuuuge, ‘ it had an impact”, he said.

US Sen. Merkley says Democrats must unite behind Clinton