
Sanders backers divided on Clinton

And that includes the North Dakota delegation.


His eldest son Donald Jr., who is a NY delegate, was the one to announce the state’s tally and give his dad the final push to become the party’s nominee.

Super Delegate State Rep. Alan Williams was also on hand during the fracas.

Mayor Stephanie Miner spoke with WAER’s Christian Unkenholz about how Hillary Clinton needs to overcome negatives, as well as work Miner will be doing during the convention to benefit Syracuse.

“I am disappointed that democracy itself has not played out the way it should of been”.

Alaska party spokesman Jake Hamburg says people freely shared information with the party. “It seems as though the impartiality hasn’t happened”, says Stewart. “As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans”, Wasserman Schultz added. He said it was imperative to elect Clinton and her running mate, Virginia Sen.

But if Sanders’ supporters believe, as he believes, that a Trump presidency represents a true threat to our nation’s rule of law, civil liberties and security, they will do just that. “It’s of utmost importance you explain this to your delegations”. “Because I will cuss out the Sanders camp!” And there should be a lot more where that came from: According to the New York Times, Philadelphia expects to host 35,000 to 50,000 protesters each day of the convention.

“It doesn’t look like she’s reaching out to the Bernie supporters based on that pick”, says Sanders’ delegate Regina Williams-Preston. Sanders also planned to send out an email to underscore the need for unity. PJM asked Springer, former mayor of Cincinnati, why a Sanders supporter should support Clinton.


Pro-Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) protests continued throughout the day outside of the Wells Fargo Center, sparked by the leaked internal DNC emails that showed favoritism toward Clinton during the primary process.

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