
Sanders Call For Clinton Support With Cheers And Jeers

Bernie Sanders, who was reportedly in talks for much of the day to nominate Clinton, a gesture meant to promote party unity after some of his supporters continued to indicate they would not support his one-time rival.


Butler said it is disappointing to hear Sanders ask his supporters to vote for Clinton.

“It’s a remarkable moment in political history in that you have an entire national party in the hip pocket of Hillary Clinton and doing it in an obnoxious way”, Priebus said.

When speaking to California delegates, some people booed when Sanders stumped for Clinton.

“When Governor Cuomo talks about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour that means millions of people who live in poverty no longer will live in poverty”, Sanders said.

After Vermont’s delegation reported its vote totals, Sanders took the microphone to call for the rules to be suspended and Clinton named the nominee by acclamation.

The disruptions mostly subsided midway through Monday night’s programme as big names like Mr Sanders, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and First Lady Michelle Obama aggressively backed Mrs Clinton’s candidacy.

He is however the father of a Sanders delegate, and a staunch supporter himself.

“Believe it or not we are not all blind followers of Bernie”.

Pledged Sanders delegate from New Hampshire Andru Volinsky votes for the senator from Vermont as the Granite State holds its roll call vote on Tuesday morning, July 26 in Philadelphia.

“This was not to mess with the DNC or make things hard for them”, she said during a Bernie Delegates Network news conference.

Republican candidate Donald Trump, on the other hand, took a shot at Democrats when he tweeted “Wow, the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Dems total mess”.

“I don’t like that characterization, because it’s blaming the victim. It’s victim-blaming. We are the victims of their fraud and their corruption and their cheating”, said Carolus, who cited the leaked DNC emails as part of his mistrust of the Democratic Party. Sanders’ message comes as his latest effort to have his supporters “embrace the reality” and follow his lead.


Larry Sanders, who lives in Oxford, England, is the elder brother of the Democratic presidential candidate.

Sanders Call For Clinton Support With Cheers And Jeers