
Sanders calls for accountability of Chicago officials

“I’ve gotta tell you if you are too unsafe to fly in America you are too risky to buy a gun in America”, Clinton said during a stop in Sioux City, Iowa, Friday.


Earlier in Hooksett, she said “the vast majority of Muslim Americans are just as concerned and heart-broken about this as anyone else”.

She vowed to now make gun control a top issue in her campaign.

During her two public Granite State events yesterday, Clinton used the attacks to push for tighter gun control regulations.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says the mass killing in California is underscoring the need for intelligence sharing and military strikes in places where extreme elements have taken hold. She then went to Manchester to host the Women’s Economic Opportunity Summit where she talked about her plans for paid family leave, child care and equal pay. Asked by CNN if he now regrets that vote, Sanders’ campaign declined to say yes or no.

“I am exhausted of hearing about shootings”, she said. “Why should we let it continue if we’re dealing with a terrorist network?” “We can go after terrorists and we need to do more to save the lives of Americans every single day from homicide, suicide and these bad accidents”.

Former Maryland Gov. O’Malley told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos that the San Bernardino shooting could finally restart efforts for legislative regulation.

But that position is a reminder that Sanders, as congressman, in 1996 voted against barring the CDC from studying gun violence.

Paul Helmke, former president of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said Friday that when Sanders declined to say he made a mistake in voting against lawsuit reforms that would have made it easier to sue gun manufacturers, it reinforced concerns many already had in the anti-gun violence community. After the nine people were killed in a Charleston, South Carolina, church, Clinton said the United States has to “keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the violently unstable while respecting responsible gun owners”.


“She knows Mayor Emanuel loves Chicago, and is sure he wants to do all he can to restore trust in the Chicago Police Department”, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement on Wednesday. She described herself as a long-time Clinton supporter and said she appreciated Clinton’s call for congressional action in the wake of the California shootings. “I do know we’ve got to start implementing sensible gun safety measures and this seems among the most sensible that I know of”. She called out Congress and Republicans for letting the gun lobby intimidate them, even pointing out Washington can’t even agree to ban people on the terror watch list from owning weapons. They stay out of the hospitals and jails, she said.

Hillary Clinton Exploits San Bernardino Shooting Rampage for Political Gain