
Sanders Camp: Clinton Only Wants New Debate Now That ‘Race Has Changed’

“Sanders will change his mind and join us”, she said on MSNBC Wednesday night.


“What the president has tried to do, what Vice President Biden has tried to do, is to be as evenhanded as they could be”, Sanders said at a brief news conference outside the West Wing. “It is great to be against the war after you vote for the war”.

Clinton and Sanders have been deadlocked, and if Clinton wins in Iowa on Monday, it may mean the beginning to the end for Sander’s entire campaign. Sanders is formally backing a bill to repeal a 2005 law he supported protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“Everything she has ever touched, she made something good happen”, he said.

Spokesmen for Clinton and Sanders did not respond to emails asking if the two campaigns were now in agreement.

Earlier this week, Obama appeared to come to Clinton’s defense, praising her in an interview with Politico while likening Sanders’ campaign to a “bright, shiny object”.

Quinnipiac’s Iowa survey, conducted in recent days, showed men, very liberal and younger voters supporting Sanders, who has centered his campaign attacks on Wall Street and corporate interests in the United States that he says have led to a growing wealth gap between the very rich and the rest of Americans. “I’m not saying we could do what Barack Obama did in 2008”.

The 30-second ad, circulated Thursday ahead of its scheduled Friday release, makes no mention of Clinton, who received more than $600,000 in speaking fees from the Wall Street firm.

Devine declined to describe the advertising in detail, other than to say that the tougher ad would give “new information more in the wheelhouse of the kind of Wall Street argument”. “As long as Washington is bought and paid for, we can’t build an economy that works for people”.

Roles have been reversed in the politics of the Democratic debates.

The so-called “democratic socialist” vows to break up the country’s biggest financial firms within a year if he’s elected president and limit banking fees placed on consumers. And the committee has vowed to enforce an exclusivity clause, which would bar candidates from joining future sanctioned debates if they participate in an unsanctioned debate.

But Weaver laid out several conditions for Clinton.

But the former secretary of state avoided an explicit commitment to three more such encounters, which Sanders has suggested, CNN reported. “It’s a cynical political ploy”. “I think he and the vice president have tried to be fair and evenhanded in the process, and I expect they will continue to be”.

“The DNC has said it is not going to sanction any more debates until after February 9th”, said Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager.

“That wasn’t just a mistake, it was a disaster”, Sarandon said.

Sanders, however, is still holding out for a better deal.

On June 1st, I bannered, “My Prediction: Bernie Sanders Will Win the White House”, based upon the early indications being clear, even then, that he would have a higher net-favorability rating from likely Democratic Presidential primary voters than Hillary Clinton.

No matter who you are, what you look like, or where you come from-you deserve a president who will fight for you.


She also spoke of how different it is from the last time when she ran for president.

Fie- Hillary Clinton speaks to Bernie Sanders during a break at the Democratic presidential primary debate Dec. 19 2015 Manchester N.H