
Sanders: Clinton should be next president

Democratic presidential candidate Sen.


Sanders gave his formal endorsement at a rally in New Hampshire, where in February he landed his first major victory over Clinton during the often contentious primary race.

Ginsburg said in an interview with The Associated Press last week that she didn’t want to think about the possibility that Trump would be president and predicted that Democrat Hillary Clinton will win. “I intend to do everything I can to make sure she will be the next president of the United States”.

“She’s a crook, and I’m not going to vote for a crook”, Bailey said, adding that she would write in Sanders’ name on the November ballot. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has been trying to attract Sanders’ supporters to his campaign, fired off two tweets ahead of the endorsement.

Bernie Sanders finally endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. He ran as a Sanders delegate after the Utah caucus and posted Tuesday on Facebook, “I’m with them”, a play on Clinton’s campaign slogan “I’m with her”.

Sanders held out about a month past the ending of the primary season. On more than one occasion, Sanders questioned Clinton’s judgment.

“In the coming weeks, I will be announcing the creation of successor organizations to carry on the struggle that we have been a part of these past 15 months”, he said. He hoped to sway enough super delegates to turn the tables at the Democratic National Convention.

“Just watching her speech after Bernie was done, everything she said today sounded like what Bernie was saying”, Livingston said.

The feisty self-described democratic socialist nevertheless had refused to concede defeat to his more moderate rival, although he had said he would vote for Clinton.

“Bernie and Trump are polar opposites”, Carroll said, advising Sanders supporters to look at Trump’s platform.

But Lauren Livingston, of Syracuse, said she’s not ready to go all-in with her support for Clinton. Bernie has more clout remaining inside the tent than outside of it. By joining forces with the Democratic party’s 2016 nominee he has become a kingmaker.

Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump has also been courting Sanders supporters.


Many of Sanders’ supporters are devastated, and unleashed that anger on social media.

Bernie Sanders set to endorse Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire rally