
Sanders Delegates Threaten To Protest During Clinton And Kaine Acceptance Speeches

While the Democratic Party reacts to shocking events in light of a recent email leak, Hillary Clinton’s pick for vice president is being touted as a message to the party’s progressive and liberal camps. The sea of white faces that television viewers saw on the GOP convention floor – there were fewer than 20 African Americans among the 2,472 delegates – will be replaced by a crowd that looks more like the diverse America of 2016.


Sen. Tim KaineTim KaineKaine: GOP will keep House majority Clinton: Benghazi security was “not my ball to carry” Trump: Sanders turning out to be “weak, pathetic” MORE, Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonKaine: GOP will keep House majority Clinton: Benghazi security was “not my ball to carry” CNN suspends Donna Brazile as she takes DNC role MORE’s running mate, thinks the Democrats can win the Senate in November. Clinton campaign officials say it will be a powerful program, showcasing the breadth and force of the coalition backing Clinton, which extends from the mothers of unarmed black men who died in police custody, to the children of immigrants in the USA illegally, to President Barack Obama.

Without naming him, Kaine said he was especially moved by the story of Liviu Librescu, a Romanian-born Israeli-American engineering professor who died blocking the door as the killer attempted to enter his classroom.

“I can be a little wonky”, Hillary Clinton said in June.

Kaine took jabs at some of Trump’s more controversial positions, including a proposed ban on the entry of Muslims from other countries. I should’ve had two accounts; one for personal and one for office.

Larry Sykes, a Yonkers attorney and a Sanders delegate, described Kaine as “a reasonable choice under the circumstances”. “And boy, do I believe in it now more than ever after seeing what was presented last week”. She cited Kaine’s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement as a disappointment.

“I want somebody who will be candid and will tell me, ‘Hey, I don’t agree with this, ‘ or, ‘Could you think about it somewhat differently?’ I don’t think I have all the answers”, she said. Sherrod Brown of OH or Warren. Her departure comes a few days after the publication of 19,000 hacked emails, which Sanders said confirmed his belief the national party played favourites for Clinton during the primary. “And if we do our best work here we don’t have to wait and see what happens in Florida”.

“I love being a senator from MA”, she said.

Nadler said the last running mate who was crucial for a Democratic presidential candidate was Texas Sen.

Kaine will probably help deliver Virginia – including “certain working class votes” – for Democrats, Nadler said.


Notably, a campaign aide said Kaine made clear “in the course of discussions” that he shares Clinton’sopposition to TPP in its current form. “I remember watching how hard she worked when I was growing up and thinking she could do anything”. “In my opinion they were rigged, especially in NY”. To do that, she must overcome lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and clean up a resurgent political mess of the party’s own making. “I’m going to talk about what he’s done”. “Because we got real serious problems to solve”.

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Has Picked Tim Kaine as Her Running Mate