
Sanders Destroys Clinton’s Easy Run in New Poll

According to polls of Democratic voters in New Hampshire 64 per cent of women under the age of 45 support Mr Sanders, and only 35 per cent support Mrs Clinton, who would be America’s first female president.


Sanders made a comedic campaign stop, appearing on Saturday Night Live, just hours before Hillary Clinton addressed the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

‘And they are just as mad as the ones who aren’t, ‘ he noted. The Democratic race, he wrote, could actually go longer than the Republicans’, as Democratic primaries award delegates on a proportional, not winner-take-all, basis.

New Hampshire has been tough ground for Hillary Clinton. “I will not for one minute forget about you or forget about your children”, she said.

David Axelrod, the chief strategist for both of Obama’s presidential campaigns, sent out a tweet Monday afternoon that obliquely referenced the Politico report and suggested that Clinton herself may be to blame for the staffing issues.

And after New Hampshire?

Recently it was revealed Clinton stored some of the “government’s most secretive and highly classified programs” on her secret server (“Official: Some Clinton emails beyond top secret”, January 20 news brief).

“We can’t get in a place where we are so mad that we demonize anybody who is against us…where we can’t have an honest discussion about whose health care plan is the better one”, said Clinton. She said Wall Street was spending millions to defeat her.

A Boston Globe/Suffolk University poll released Friday showed Sanders with an expanded lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, though the two are running neck-and-neck nationally.

Hillary Clinton tried once more to nail the “job interview”, as she called it, while accusing Bernie Sanders of being a hypocrite for taking Wall Street donations.

Albright and Steinem’s comments reflect a divide within Clinton’s support: she does well with middle aged and older women but loses younger women to Sanders.

Up until now, Clinton has had name recognition and money on her side. Clinton still maintains a 13 percent advantage in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls, although the latest Reuters survey has not yet been factored.

“Have pro-Clinton journalists and pundits been subjected to some vile, abusive, and misogynistic rhetoric from random, anonymous internet supporters of Sanders who are angry over their Clinton support?”


Hillary Clinton is now running behind Sanders in New Hampshire, a fact most Clinton aides are happy to point out in an effort to lower expectations.

A Quiniipiac survey released on Friday was the first to show that Bernie Sanders had caught up with Hillary Clinton in national polls. Today's survey backs up that point