
Sanders endorses Clinton for president

The rebels say they have organizers inside at least 35 state delegations at the convention who will help co-ordinate their drive to let the gathering’s 2,472 delegates vote for whichever candidate they want.


– Trump ready to pick running mate?

Wilkinson concluded, “The Democratic Party has problems (see: working class, white)”.

“At this stage, the party affiliation is less important”, Flynn told the Associated Press. “Some people visibly upset as they were leaving today”. Standing at a podium with a sign that read “Stronger Together”, Clinton highlighted their priorities in common, including making college more affordable and raising the minimum wage.

Clinton then discussed how the Dallas Police Department is a model of how law enforcement and communities can build trust between them, praising them for their reaction to an ambush on Thursday that killed five officers and injured nine others.

Supporters of both Clinton and Sanders made up the crowd at the Tuesday rally. In recent Reuters/Ipsos polling, only about 40 percent of Sanders’ supporters now say they will back Clinton.

The New York Times reported last week that Sanders’ anticipated pledge of support is the result of weeks of talks between the two campaigns aimed at unifying the party.

“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president”, he said.

“After Bernie Sanders made his statement several people started leaving”, Warren said.

Sanders officially endorsed Clinton for president at the rally. Last week, the Clinton campaign unveiled two significant updates to her policy platforms on college affordability and health care, incorporating and crediting many of Sanders’ ideas.

To make sure everyone got the point, that 2008 rally was held in the town of Unity, New Hampshire.

Donald Trump is throwing a tantrum because Bernie Sanders is supporting Hillary Clinton for president.

“The candidate who ran against special interests is endorsing the candidate who embodies special interests”, Miller said.

Sanders also extensively laid into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, slamming his inflammatory rhetoric about immigrants and minorities, and citing the Supreme Court Justices that the next president would likely appoint. The senator highlighted Clinton’s similarities with himself on these issues, and how she is certainly a better option than Donald Trump.

‘Sanders Abandons His Movement, Embraces Pro-Wall Street, Pro-Intervention, Pro-TPP Candidate Who He Recently Mocked As Unqualified And Unable To Lead A Political Revolution, ‘ the GOP’s hit piece is headlined.

The nomination is not the only aspect of what politics is about. That has been true for weeks, and Democrats have not-so-quietly been angling for him to drop out and endorse the former secretary of state. Late in the campaign, Sanders referred to the system as “rigged”.

Mr Sanders has already come under fire from presumptive Republican nominee Mr Trump, who tweeted: “Bernie Sanders, who has lost most of his leverage, has sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton”.

Sanders forgot to mention that he and Clinton belong to that 1% they hate so much.

Sanders, in his remarks, outlined the implications of November’s election.

Many of Bernie’s supporters would not believe he would endorse Clinton until it actually happened.


Since she clinched the number of delegates needed to secure her party’s nomination on June 7, the campaign has reached out to Mr Sanders’ supporters, dispatching campaign manager Robby Mook, director of states and political engagement, Marlon Marshall, and top policy adviser Jake Sullivan, to states where Sanders defeated Clinton, including New Hampshire, Wyoming, Vermont and Washington state.

Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton