
Sanders gets a much-needed victory in Indiana

With 63 percent of precincts reporting shortly after 8 p.m. local time, Sanders has 53 percent of the vote and former Hillary Clinton 47 percent, according to NBC.


Without Trump in the field, all of the focus on future election nights – nine states and several territories over the next 45 days – will be on Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. But she still has work to do to rally Sanders supporters behind her campaign if she wants to present a united front at the Democratic convention in July.

“I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over”. With Clinton’s attention divided, her ability to respond to any Bernie Sanders surge in upcoming states will be limited.

In a poll conducted by Public Policy Polling survey, for example, Sanders has 45 percent support in West Virginia, with Clinton taking 37 percent.

This would send Clinton to Philly a deeply wounded front-runner, even if she maintains a strong (but much diminished) delegate lead over Sanders.

Sanders’ win in IN likely won’t make much of a dent in Clinton’s lead of more than 300 pledged delegates.

“Let’s suppose that in the next six weeks, Bernie Sanders goes on a tear like he has gone on before”. The announcement came after Trump scored his seventh consecutive victory in Indiana. “Should we then say the only benchmark is who has got more pledged delegates?”

The longer Bernie is in the race the more this will be a factor.


Following the results, Trump tweeted that Cruz might as well just drop out of the presidential nominee race.

Bernie Sanders wins Democratic primary in Indiana