
Sanders: I would have preferred Warren over Kaine for VP pick

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, her vice-presidential running mate will launch a bus tour of two critical battlegrounds – Pennsylvania and Ohio – following this week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Shortly after Clinton announced her running mate on Twitter on Friday, Republican Sen.


Bob Beard will serve as a delegate alternate at the DNC.

A former mayor as well governor, Kaine is an experienced politician and has been thoroughly vetted.

Volunteers at the Hillary Clinton office in downtown Charlottesville spent the day registering more people to vote.

Clinton and Kaine appeared at Florida International University in Miami. It provides the ideal counterpoint to Donald Trump’s authoritarian assertion that I alone can fix America’s problems. “Kaine asked. “Do you want a “me first” president or a ‘kids and families first” president?” “Do you consider Tim Kaine a progressive, and are you happy with this pick?”

Kaine is also fluent in Spanish and a strong advocate of overhauling the immigration system – both assets as Clinton counts on a strong Hispanic voter turnout, given GOP nominee Donald Trump’s controversial statements about Mexican immigrants and proposed wall along the southern border.

“Sen. Tim Kaine is everything that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not”, she said.

Kaine then turned his attention to Clinton and her presidential platform, touching on gun control and equal pay for women, among other issues.

Experience: Kaine has represented Virginia in the US Senate since 2013 and was the state’s governor from 2006-10. When someone from the crowd yells “Trump is insane”, Kaine easily jokes that he’s hiring for the speechwriting team.


The tour will have a heavy emphasis on Clinton’s vision for an American economy that works for all and not just those at the top, and her agenda is focused on creating good-paying jobs, the aide said. “I thought it was remarkable how conversational (his speech) was, which makes him likable, approachable and allows people to connect with him”. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s defeated primary rival, and his supporters have been advocating for, and they may be disappointed by Clinton’s decision.

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