
Sanders: It’s ‘Absurd’ to Think I’ll Drop Out Anytime Soon

Mr. Obama’s message came at a critical juncture for Mr. Sanders, who had just upset Mrs. Clinton in the MI primary and has been trying to convince Democrats that his campaign is not over, despite Mrs. Clinton’s formidable lead in delegates. However, he did confirm that Obama called for unity among Democrats to face down Republicans in the general election.


In a memo Clinton plan director Robby Mook stated that consequently of Tuesday’s main outcomes, “a chain of wins by Sen”.

I think the most likely scenario regardless of whether Clinton would be indicted before or after the convention is Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stand together before the start of the Univision, Washington Post Democratic presidential debate at Miami-Dade College in Miami.

Sanders has no intention of throwing in the towel, and his campaign believes the next few weeks will be strong ones for him. One of you presumably will be behind in pledged delegates heading into that convention.

So far in this campaign, Sanders has dominated the youth vote.

Young people love him. I don’t trust either of them. Under state law, Sanders had the right to seek a recount since the margin was less than one-half of 1 percent. It’s not even close.

The donors who spoke with the Times after the closed-door gathering said Obama urged them to support Clinton in order to prevent an “opening” for Republican front-runner Donald Trump in the general election.

“When we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all Muslims from entering the United States”.

Sanders, despite his delegate deficit, believes he will do better in states that haven’t voted yet. As things now stand, Clinton’s lead over Sanders among superdelegates is roughly 467 to 26. Maybe, but what little polling exists in those states makes that assumption look pretty absurd.

Clinton is not a natural progressive or liberal.

ELVING: She is gradually using her hands more and more, waving them over the top of her head.


She could not sound more different today, aggressively campaigning to toughen gun-control laws and especially courting black and Hispanic voters. It’s a lot of those issues that engage and excite voters. “So those delegates are free to do what they want to fairly reflect the expressed sentiments of voters who participate in primaries and caucuses but they are not bound in any way to do so”. That alone should raise our suspicions.

Obama told Democratic donors that Bernie Sanders' campaign is running out of steam