
Sanders Jokes About Trump Helicopter

Inside the agriculture building at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, attendees gathered, humidifying the once crisp, cold air.


Sanders will speak from an open-air stage known as the Soapbox, a tradition at the fair, but Clinton and Trump will not.

“Nice to be here!” Instead of tearing up the deal, he said he would “police” it, and he called Secretary of State John Kerry “incompetent” for negotiating the agreement. On Friday, former Iowa Sen. Before following through on his promise to give helicopter rides to children, he told reporters he’d be willing to spend as much as $1 billion of his own money to fund his campaign.

But here in the parking lot was something else altogether: a chance to ride in a customized Sikorsky S-76B helicopter with one of the richest and most famous men in America.

Clinton sampled a pork chop on a stick and a lemonade.

Trump also said Bush is a “puppet” controlled by lobbyists. “It’s been a day of love”.

A candidate can be cheered or jeered, depending on the mood of the crowd and whether supporters or opponents are on hand. He was thronged by supporters as he walked the fairgrounds and eschewed the soapbox – where Iowans are encouraged to shout questions to candidates – in favor of often random interactions with voters.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who has become Clinton’s chief rival and has drawn tens of thousands to his rallies, pitched his policies to counter economic inequality from the soapbox.

Democrat Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island’s former governor, drew a crowd of about 150 people.

But Clinton’s speech served to turn another page in a new, more aggressive chapter in her campaign, challenging Republican attacks on her national security experience. Sanders said. “I apologize”. “We left the helicopter at home”. He tried to go to the iconic butter cow.

Approaching Trump, Tranmer said she was surrounded by fellow Trump admirers, who repeatedly said they wanted someone different with his kind of background.

“There’s Trump!” shouted one man.

In an interview Sunday with NBC’s “Meet the Press“, Sanders said the note was “sent out by a staffer, not by me” and without the senator’s knowledge. And she spent about 90 minutes at the fair.

That’d be Donald Trump, the real estate tycoon turned reality TV star turned unlikely frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the 2016 presidential election. So far he has not released any specific policy proposals. “You guys have been revving me up”, she quipped, between coughs, “I’ve been talking too much”. “We’ll debate the major issues facing the American people“. “Together, we are not going to let them do that”. It’s the sort of retail politicking that a candidate like Trump – who is mobbed at every step he takes – couldn’t do, even if he wanted to.

This time around, Laudner is running Donald Trump’s Iowa campaign.

She added: With a good businessman like Trump, he’ll hire people that specialize in the key areas.

Anyone who thinks Trump is a whiner… well, he is-he says so himself, speaking to CNN: “I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win“.


After sampling a pork chop on a stick, Trump hopped on a golf cart and was driven away. People chased him on foot cheering.

Charlie Riedel  AP