
Sanders laying off hundreds of campaign staffers

As I pointed out Tuesday, the Sanders campaign is an opportunity for Democrats to re-establish themselves as the party of the working and middle classes. History suggests a recalibration is more likely.


Schnur acknowledges that Sanders supporters are more enthusiastic – he was greeted as a rock star in Los Angeles – but argues that doesn’t necessarily translate into more votes.

There’s also the issue of whether Sanders will urge his supporters to back Clinton.

The spot reports the GOP nomination “goes to John Kasich!” Eugene McCarthy, an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War.

At stake in Maryland were 95 Democratic delegates and 38 Republican delegates. And both lament the disastrous military adventurism Republicans and Democrats supported in the Iraq War after 9/11. Knight said Trump was “not a Democrat or a Republican at heart” but just “a great American” and had the “ideal background” to become president. But they also include people like Schumacher, volunteers who’ve generally stayed behind the scenes. Trump then said the victor “should be based on votes, not on whether people like a certain steak from a certain place”.

How did we end up with two populist movements?

In the interview on CNN’s “New Day”, he showed no inclination to significantly alter the bombastic campaign style that has landed him within reach of the presidential nomination. For Republicans, that shift meant sacrificing government services, the environment and the roads and bridges voters value in favor of lower taxes on corporations and the rich, less regulation and trickle-down economics. Bernie Sanders might say, huge.

I am proud that we were able to win a resounding victory tonight in Rhode Island, the one state with an open primary where independents had a say in the outcome. Add in the fact that there are more eligible female voters than male voters, one might see that very card maligned by Trump as something of a trump in and of itself. She said it would be “insulting” for either Sanders or Clinton to put each other on short lists of possible vice presidents “at this moment”.

After big losses earlier this week, Kasich and Sanders are hoping OR can help keep their campaigns alive.

Meanwhile, pundits were once again using such words as “unstoppable” to describe Trump’s march to his party’s nomination, what with the establishment types who had once seemed so vehemently opposed to him on moral ground now submitting, between sighs, to what suddenly seemed inevitable. An additional $35 million is being reserved for digital ads aimed at bolstering Clinton’s coalition of black, Latino and younger voters. That’s what the parties need to do, too. Some have turned their frustration on superdelegates, the party insiders whose ability to back either candidate give them an outsized role in picking the nominee. But the world is changing.


About half of GOP voters in Maryland said they were “dissatisfied” with the government, while another 38 percent described themselves as “angry” at the government, according to exit polling by Edison research for the Associated Press and television networks.

After String Of Losses, Sanders Campaign To Lay Off 'Hundreds' Of Staffers