
Sanders Leading Hillary by 7 in New Hampshire

Forty-eight percent now view Clinton negatively while only 41 percent have a positive view of her. Her popularity peaked in January 2011 with 61 percent approval.


The other democrats joining Sanders and Clinton in seeking their party’s nomination are former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former Virginia Sen. He trailed the former first lady by a 44-8 percent margin in a Franklin Pierce/Herald poll in March. “Now the test is can we put together a ground organization in early states and get ballot access everywhere”, he said.

Nationally, she leads by about 35 points and in Iowa her lead is about 25 points.

The most recent New Hampshire poll shows Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic primary for the first time.

Bernie Sanders’ days as a socialist sideshow to the Clinton coronation are over. These latest poll numbers, especially in consideration with the history of the 2008 election, should have the Clinton machine anxious and Sanders’ supporters excited that the long-shot candidate, may just not be that big of a long-shot anymore.

“Nearly two-thirds of the people polled in the Boston Herald poll, and also in our poll last week, still believe that Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee”, WMUR political reporter John Distaso said.

Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly considering whether to enter the 2016 Democratic race.

A stunning new poll has Sen.

The survey, taken August 7-10, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.7 percent, meaning Sanders’s lead is not considered statistically significant by pollsters. There are a lot of people who have been thinking about what a campaign should look like.


However, continued scrutiny over her use of a private email account while she served as secretary of State combined with Sanders’ resonance among the party’s more progressive wing have clouded what many thought would be the inevitablity of Clinton’s nomination. The Post suggests the Independent from Vermont is building off this momentum a base of small-scale donors and volunteers that could make the difference if he is to be competitive against Clinton.

Sanders Leading Hillary by 7 in New Hampshire