
Sanders not being vetted for Clinton’s VP

“Grateful to everyone who voted”, Clinton tweeted though Sanders is yet to drop out of the race as the two met today.


Texas representatives for both the Clinton and Sanders campaigns met in Austin Tuesday to show a united front but people on both sides of the party remain loyal to the candidate of their choice.

Some Sanders supporters have said Clinton should consider the Vermont senator as a potential running mate.

Coordinated primarily by NNU, a Sanders-backing union with ties to a supportive super PAC, and People for Bernie, the “People’s Summit” is slated to feature a mix of local activists and some of the campaign’s top national surrogates, including Dr. Cornel West, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and former NAACP President Ben Jealous.

Sanders also criticized the leadership of the Democratic National Committee for failing to adopt a “50-state strategy”.

Sanders has opened up his campaign’s massive email donor list to several Democratic candidates, hauling in more than $2.4 million for his allies.

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) – Pressing his “political revolution” to turn its attention to defeating Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said he will work with Hillary Clinton to transform the Democratic Party itself and “create the America that we know we can become”.

In statements, the pair said they had discussed the campaign, unifying the party and the “dangerous threat” posed by Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Why aren’t we more excited about Clinton?

Both the Sanders and the Clinton campaigns declined TheWrap’s request for comment.

Clinton waited until six states held a final round of contests to declare victory, which will solidify her lead in pledged delegates earned through primaries and caucuses as well as her advantage in the overall popular vote.

He dedicated the latter portion of his speech to encouraging his supporters to run in down-ticket races, explaining how many decisions are made at the state or local level.

“It takes a long time for bad blood to go away”, Pfeiffer said.

However, he added, the defeat of Donald Trump can not be the “only goal” for voters this year and he vowed to fight vigorously on behalf of his supporters for the progressive ideals that drew so much passion and energy across the country over the past year. The super delegates will be turning Sanders’ 55-43 percent victory into a Clinton victory of 61-39 percent, reversing the results of the primary and rendering the votes of nearly 67,000 voters virtually irrelevant.

Few think Texas will turn blue in 2016 but Clinton has said she could take the traditionally red state with the help of women and Latino voters.

‘My hope is that when future historians look back and describe how our country moved forward into reversing the drift toward oligarchy, ‘ Sanders said.


In an email to supporters sent Wednesday encouraging them to watch Thursday night’s live stream, campaign manager Jeff Weaver said, “Our political revolution is not just about what happens in Philadelphia, or even at the election in November”.

Sorry Bernie You're Not on Hillary Clinton's VP Short List