
Sanders Official: Wasserman Schultz’s Resignation ‘New Beginning’

With some fellow Democrats already growing frustrated with Wasserman Schultz’s performance, it came under even more scrutiny during the 2016 primary season as supporters of Bernie Sanders accused the chairwoman of being partial to Hillary Clinton.


Democrats today will formally adopt a platform that attempts to bridge the camps of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders without serving as an albatross around the nominee’s neck.

In the wake of Debbie Wasserman Schultz announcing her resignation as the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee on Sunday, Kenner native Donna Brazile has been announced as the interim chair, according to WWL-TV.

The resignation of Democratic National Committee chairwoman and Clinton ally Debbie Wasserman Schultz is created to appease Sanders and his backers.

Sanders issued a statement calling for a new direction for the party that would welcome the working class and young voters and that would remain neutral in future Democratic primary contests. It was there Wasserman Schultz earned her reputation as a workhorse and outspoken liberal willing to spar with Republicans on television.

Sanders, an independent senator for most of his four-decade political career, was not even officially a Democrat until previous year when he made a decision to run for president. “It’s shameful that the Clinton campaign – and, it should be said, the Obama White House – served as longtime loyal enablers for such a flagrant abuser of democratic principles”.

The events came at a time when concern already was growing among national security officials that Russian Federation is attempting to meddle in the US election; even before the leak, on Thursday, the White House convened a meeting that included representatives of intelligence agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Council, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.

In return, Clinton seized upon what she called the “fear and the anger and the resentment” from Trump and Republicans, dismissing Trump’s declaration that only he could fix the problems that afflict the nation.

“It’s troubling that some experts are now telling us that this was done by the Russians for the goal of helping Donald Trump”. “We remain committed to talking to voters about the issues that matter, like how to rebuild our economy here in ME, which, thanks to Republican leadership, lags behind the rest of New England and remains in the bottom ten in the nation”.

Sanders and First Lady Michelle Obama headline day one of the Democratic convention which “gavels in” at 4:00 pm (2000 GMT) Monday. The amendment could have potentially embarrassed President Barack Obama, who supports the 12-country trade agreement opposed by both Clinton and Sanders. The announcement came after the disclosure Friday by WikiLeaks of internal party emails that added new fuel to criticism that Wasserman Schultz aided ultimate nominee Hillary Clinton in the presidential primaries against U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., as her running mate.

“I think you’re going to see a stark contrast with our convention”, said Marshall. “And I’ll move to Canada”.

“I seem to be the only unifying theme that they had”, the presumptive Democratic nominee said. He said there is talk among Sanders’ delegates of walking out during Kaine’s acceptance speech or turning their backs as a show of protest.

There was less praise, and no victory parade, among Sanders’s supporters.

Sanders endorsed Clinton two weeks ago after pressing for the party platform to include a $15-an-hour minimum wage, debt-free college and an expansion of access to health care. And Michigan for Hillary said it is holding a watch party Monday in Troy for supporters “to kick off a united convention”.

Major Democratic donor John Morgan, who has been outspoken in his criticism of Wasserman Schultz, said he was shocked that the congresswoman was insisting on speaking to delegates this week.


How the emails were stolen hasn’t been confirmed. I’m not talking about email scandals per se, but more serious allegations of brokering arms deals when she was Secretary of State in exchange for Clinton foundation donations.

Margaret Hannah a delegate for Hillary Clinton from Blue Hill prepares to board a bus to the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia early Sunday. Michele McDonald  Staff