
Sanders Projected to Lose SC, Furman Prof. Says

Bernie Sanders is continuing his campaign as well. Conditions may yet change, but she’s favored to do well in South Carolina’s primary next week, and there’s some polling that suggests she’s well positioned to win most of the March 1 primaries soon after.


The reality is always a bit less glamorous – and makes us looks a little less smart. Polls show she has a much easier path in SC.

Oklahoma holds its primary on Super Tuesday, along with 12 other states, plus American Samoa.

The state party’s initial estimates were that 80,000 Democrats caucused Saturday, about 10,000 more than most expected but still well below the almost 120,000 who showed up in 2008.

The Democratic contest moved to a not-totally-white contest, and Hillary Clinton had her best showing yet.

What this means going forward for Sanders is that he actually can win non-white voters, and that could be good news in a state that doesn’t skew as old as Nevada. “And there is a path for him to get some wins”.

While Sanders was campaigning in SC on Sunday, he planned to be in MA for a college rally and campaign in Norfolk, Virginia, on Tuesday.

After a devastating, double-digit loss to Sanders in New Hampshire, Clinton prevailed in Nevada with the backing of women, union workers, minorities, moderates and voters who are certain she will have a better shot at winning in November, according to entrance polls.

Superdelegates make up 30 percent of the total delegates to the national convention needed to secure the nomination. “Sanders does exceptionally well among liberal voters”.

“This was a state that Bernie Sanders was surging in and he had the ability to pull off an upset in the first diverse primary state, frankly”, former Arizona State legislator Chris Herstam said. Yet Clinton received support from the majority of moderate Democrats.

“We are making inroads”. The fact that Sanders couldn’t close the gap with black voters with a big advertising push is a very ominous sign for his campaign. Not exactly a sign of expanding support among the black community, but perhaps another direction of growing appeal, according to Kondik.

The main communications job of the Kasich team is to deal with stories that say this is now a three-man race among Trump, Sen.

Radio ads ally Clinton with President Barack Obama and now mirror Sanders’ talking points on removing prejudice from the criminal justice system so that “justice is just”, increasing the minimum wage and improving equality for African Americans. I also believe Palestinians deserve to have a state of their own. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is losing Saturday’s Nevada Caucus by a margin of more than 5 points (52.6% to 47.4%). “He said he was going to win and he didn’t, so now they’re a little demoralized”, Ferson said.


But the uncertainty that has defined the race since New Hampshire is over for the time being.

Sanders Projected to Lose SC Furman Prof. Says story image