
Sanders Says Americans See Clinton as ‘Lesser of Two Evils’

Fifty-five percent have a negative view of Clinton, including 53 percent of women, in the AP-GfK poll.


Clinton’s comments, which came at the Trayvon Martin Foundation’s third annual “Circle of Mothers” meeting, came a day after Trump used a speech at a National Rifle Association convention to blast Clinton as ill-prepared for the presidency and to falsely claim that Clinton “wants to abolish the Second Amendment”.

“The reason why I stand with her is because she first stood with me”, Fulton said before introducing Clinton to more than 200 people packed inside a hotel banquet room.

Out front, Sanders campaign workers have set up a table to register voters and organize volunteers, who will go out to knock on doors and stuff mailboxes with campaign literature. The Vermont senator’s popularity is another boost, his camp said.

The two most recent national polls, both from Right-leaning outlets, Rasmussen and Fox News, have shown Trump leading Clinton by five and three per cent respectively.

The push to win over superdelegates comes after what may have been the worst week of the campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Until Trump reaches 1,237, they say they’re not talking anything for granted. It’s just one snapshot of the tough Democratic presidential campaign playing out in the nation’s largest state before the June 7 primary, even as Clinton appears to have a near-lock on the nomination.

California is seen as a Clinton stronghold.

“Both campaigns have been invited by Fox News to a debate”. But Sanders was spending money at a far greater rate and had just $5.8 million on hand at the end of the month, compared with Clinton’s reported cash on hand of $30 million.

Another potentially favorable scenario for Clinton involves Republican and independent women who can’t stomach a vote for Trump but also don’t want to vote for a Democrat.

“Mrs. Clinton is still contending with resistance to her candidacy from supporters of Mr. Sanders as their contest carries on and grows more contentious”.

“Unlike Donald Trump, I will not pander to the gun lobby, and we will not be silenced and we will not be intimidated”, Clinton said.


Clinton responded on Twitter, saying it is possible to uphold the Second Amendment while still “preventing senseless gun violence”. With so many superdelegates already committed to Clinton – some having aligned with her even before voting began this year – he will need to make a run in the remaining primaries and cut her lead as much as possible.

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton has slammed her Republican rival Donald Trump on guns saying she will not pander to the gun lobby