
Sanders says Clinton does not have ‘insurmountable lead’

Obama’s remarks against Sanders came three days after Sanders’ unexpected and potentially turning-point upset over Clinton in the midwest state of MI, a victory the Sanders campaign desperately needed to justify the candidate’s stay in the race despite Clinton’s formidable lead in delegate count.


The Times headline went even further than the actual content of Obama’s words: “Obama Privately Tells Donors That Time Is Coming to Unite Behind Hillary Clinton”.

The reports also show Clinton donated almost $93,000 to her own campaign last month in the form of “in-kind payroll and benefits”.

Now, the Bernie Sanders campaign obviously doesn’t agree with that. She did so in stunning fashion. Marco Rubio, facing sure defeat in Florida, advised his OH supporters to vote for John Kasich. The major super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton has now announced they will stop running ads in support of Secretary Clinton’s primary contests against Bernie Sanders.

“That’s what we want, that’s what we’ve had for the past four out of five elections and what it’s going to take to win”, he said.

The Ohio results represented a back-breaking blow to Sanders.

So Clinton was anointed by the party establishment.

For all those assets, Sanders has fallen behind in the unforgiving arithmetic of the way Democrats choose their nominees. Should Clinton get elected, he might some day also regret tying his legacy to her. Ironically, in a recent interview, he made statements which greatly undermined Clinton’s ability to be Commander In Chief based upon her mistakes on Libya and Syria. The campaign noted its pledged delegate lead of more than 300 is almost twice as large as any that then-Illinois Sen.

Weaver argued that while the calendar and geography in the first half of the primary season favored Clinton, the second half gives Sanders an advantage.

“”She would make an excellent president!””.

Clinton might yet lose the nomination and election, but Trump as the Republican front-runner only helps her chances of winning both. More than any other set of voters, black women are propelling Clinton toward the general election.

Trump has called his campaign a “movement”. Only five Democratic contests have established new records for voter turnout – Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and ME – and Sanders has won all these caucuses by wide margins.

Maddow: I’m just gonna add – I’m gonna push you and just ask one more time if – I’ll actually ask you in the other direction.

Given this lack of change over Romney’s 2012 performance in NY, where’s the evidence that Trump expands the map? But there are few states that offer obvious victories. Contrary to his suggestions, he hasn’t won huge majorities from first-time voters.

That’s why the “revolution” he’s repeatedly called for won’t be quelled for long, even though Clinton will be the one accepting the party’s nomination in Philadelphia.

Kasich has yet to prove he is a long-distance runner.

On Thursday night, he focused on immigration at an event in Arizona and assailed Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County – one of the state’s most contentious political figures – as being an “un-American” bully. But that’s given him 47 percent of the delegates. “I will not vote for Hillary, I will not vote for Trump”.

Cruz could yet become the true challenger to Trump.

For Trump, the pollster said he “absolutely has to show humility”.

BLOCK: And looking ahead to the upcoming primary states, what sort of pattern do you see that might emerge?


All this looks as if it will be enough to secure her the nomination. The Texas senator can ill afford a revived Kasich candidacy. Tennessee has 76 delegates and six alternates to the national convention. When slotted against a Democrat, however, Trump is in a deep hole. But the more black voters get to know him, the more they appear to like him. He has won in every region of the country, and his appeal to Republicans continues to be cross-cutting.
